justinhachemeister / Mvvm-1

A light weight core package for Reactive Marbles to introduce MVVM abstractions

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Reactive Marbles Mvvm

A light weight mvvm package for Reactive Marbles to introduce framework abstractions

NuGet packages

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ReactiveMarbles.Mvvm Core - Libary CoreBadge

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Registering Framework Concerns

ICoreRegistration gives the framework an understanding of the following concerns for ReactiveMarbles internals. We provide a simple builder and extension method to register it against the ServiceLocator.

   .AddCoreRegistrations(() =>
           .WithExceptionHandler(new DebugExceptionHandler())


AsValue allows you to bind an IObservable<T> to a property that produces a property changed event.

_valueChange =
    this.WhenChanged(x => x.Property)
        .Select(x => x + "Changed")
        .AsValue(onChanged: x => RaisePropertyChanged(nameof(ValueChange)));


To see how Mvvm compares to other frameworks see: Benchmarks


A light weight core package for Reactive Marbles to introduce MVVM abstractions

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%