justinamaze / Election_Analysis

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Overview of Election Audit

The purpose of this election analysis is use the data from the election commission to audit The voter turnout for each county, the county with the highest turnout, and the percentage of votes from each county from the total.

Election-Audit Results

The following questions and examples below will give you a better idea of the election results. I'll also go provide details on how I got these outcomes.

  • How many votes were cast in this congressional election? 369,711 total votes

  • Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of total votes for each county in the precinct. There was 369,711 toatal votes Jefferson County accounted for (38,855) votes. Which is 10.5% of the total votes Denver County accounted for (306,055) votes. Which is 82.8% of the total votes Jefferson County accounted for (24,801) votes. Which is 6.7% of the total votes

  • Which county had the largest number of votes? Denver county had the largest number of votes with 306,055

  • Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of the total votes each candidate received. The candidates and their number of votes and percentage of the total votes are as follows Charles Casper Stockham: (85,2013) votes which is 23.0% of the total votes Diana Degette: (272,892) votes which is 73.8% of the total votes Charles Casper Stockham: (11,606) votes which is 3.1% of the total votes

  • Which candidate won the election, what was their vote count, and what was their percentage of the total votes? Diana Degette was the winner with 272,892 votes which is 73.8% of the total votes

    A picture of the results


Election-Audit Summary

This script can be used for any election with two modifications I'd like to suggest. This script mainly points out the winner and the most productive county. I feel if we could highlight the county "Age" and "Gender". If we have the names why not put the age and gender as well? I feel like this will be beneficial for any future elective that'll like to run. The elective will know what demographic to targer to either raise votes in that certain demorgraphic or excel in that prospective demeorgraphic. This can be done by putting the "Count_Age" and "County_Gender" under the county votes. A picture of defining the Age and Gender for the modification is provided below.




Language:Python 100.0%