justin808 / react-on-rails-hot-minimal

A minimal React on Rails implementation of HMR with React Hot Loader 3, Redux, React Router 4, CSS modules and Webpack 2

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A minimal React on Rails implementation of HMR with React Hot Loader 3, Redux, React Router 4, CSS modules and Webpack 2

Check out the demo

  • bundle install
  • cd client && yarn
  • foreman start
  • visit localhost:3000 and change source code to check out HMR

Essentials for Hot Module Replacement

  • add "react-hot-loader" to package.json
  • use es2015 preset, disable modules and add "react-hot-loader/babel" plugin in .babelrc
  • add "react-hot-loader/patch", "webpack-dev-server/client?http://localhost:3500" to webpack entry before your source file (in the same chunk that contains your source file if you have multiple chunks)
  • add new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin() to webpack plugins
  • set up dev server with hot: true or hotOnly: true
  • wrap elements in AppContainer from react-hot-loader
  • create a render function with reactDOM and use it for initial rendering and in module.hot.accept


A minimal React on Rails implementation of HMR with React Hot Loader 3, Redux, React Router 4, CSS modules and Webpack 2


Language:Ruby 72.2%Language:JavaScript 14.4%Language:HTML 11.6%Language:CSS 1.8%