justin-ren / xlogrus

logrus wrapper for gin, gorm and user trace log

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easy configuration with minor dependencies


Support below logs

  • manual user log with default name trace.log
  • auto gin middleware log with default name access.log
  • auto gorm middleware log with default name db.log

Color enabled/disabled

  • enabled color for screen
  • disabled in log file

Loop log with customized log count

  • 7 files for trace.log/access.log/db.log by default

Multi-hook for different log-level and middleware

  • Centralized warn/error/fatal level to error.log
  • Seperated logs for user/gin/gorm to trace.log/access.log/db.log

Alive logs with link

  • link log point to alive log files, it's handy when using tail command


go get -u github.com/justin-ren/xlogrus


//log engine
//loop log
//hook for log file
//log format


User Log

  • example code
package main

import (
	uLog "github.com/justin-ren/xlogrus/user"

func main() {
	opt := uLog.GetOpt()
	//path must end with '/', default path is './logs/'
	opt.LogPath = "/tmp/logs/"
	//below log full name is user.log.20230212, default is trace.log
	opt.FileNamePrefix = "user.log"

	lg, err := uLog.New(opt)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("%+v\n", errors.Cause(err))
	//below log would be saved in user.log with timestamp %Y%m and keep 7 files by default
	//so automatically keep 7 days logs
	//To modify count of loop files by opt.KeepCount 
	lg.Debugln("debug msg")
	lg.Infoln("info msg")
	//below log level would be saved in error.log with timestamp %Y%m and keep 7 files by default`
	//so automatically keep 7 months logs
	lg.Warnln("warn msg")
	lg.Errorln("error msg")
	lg.Fatalf("%+v", errors.New("error stack")) //save error stack to log files
  • color is enabled in stdout Screenshot from 2023-02-14 08-12-05
  • color is disabled in log file
$ cat /tmp/logs/user.log
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.682854] DEBUG debug msg
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683414]  INFO info msg
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683469]  WARN warn msg
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683670] ERROR error msg
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683842] FATAL error stack
$ cat /tmp/logs/error.log
[2023-02-13 23:35:15.254703] ERROR Error Log
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683469]  WARN warn msg
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683670] ERROR error msg
[2023-02-14 08:09:58.683842] FATAL error stack

Gin Log

  • example code
func main() {

	opt := GinLog.GetOpt()
	//path must end with '/',default is ./logs/
	opt.OptLogrus.LogPath = "/tmp/logs/"
	//full name of loop logs will be gin.log.202302013,default is access.log
	opt.OptLogrus.FileNamePrefix = "gin.log"

	//timestamp of log file is defined as following
	//"%Y%m%d" is default
	//opt.OptLogrus.FileNameSuffixTimeFormat = "%Y%m%d"
	//will not log info for route /skip
	opt.SkipRoute = map[string]struct{}{
		"/skip": {},
	//keep cut of loop log is defined here
	//7 is default
	//opt.OptLogrus.KeepCount = 7
	_, gLog, err := GinLog.New(opt)
	r := gin.New()
	r.Use(gLog, gin.Recovery())
	rLog := r.Group("log")
	rLog.GET("/hello", func(ctx *gin.Context) {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"msg": "hello"})
	rLog.GET("/skip", func(ctx *gin.Context) {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"msg": "ignored"})
	err = r.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {
  • color is enabled in stdout Screenshot from 2023-02-14 09-17-54
  • color is disabled in log file
$ curl localhost:8080/hello
404 page not found$ curl localhost:8080/log/hello
{"msg":"hello"}$ curl localhost:8080/log/skip
{"msg":"ignored"}$ ls -lrt /tmp/logs/
total 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 renxiong renxiong 405 Feb 14 08:09 user.log.20230214
lrwxrwxrwx 1 renxiong renxiong  17 Feb 14 08:09 user.log -> user.log.20230214
lrwxrwxrwx 1 renxiong renxiong  16 Feb 14 09:13 gin.log -> gin.log.20230214
-rw-r--r-- 1 renxiong renxiong 482 Feb 14 09:13 error.log.202302
lrwxrwxrwx 1 renxiong renxiong  16 Feb 14 09:13 error.log -> error.log.202302
-rw-r--r-- 1 renxiong renxiong 379 Feb 14 09:15 gin.log.20230214
$ cat /tmp/logs/gin.log
[2023-02-14 09:13:21.370334]  WARN  clientIP= dataLength=-1 latency=264ns method=GET path=/hello statusCode=404
[2023-02-14 09:14:59.056411]  INFO  clientIP= dataLength=15 latency=1.070547ms method=GET path=/log/hello statusCode=200
[2023-02-14 09:15:26.864735]  INFO  clientIP= dataLength=17 latency=32.015µs method=GET path=/log/skip statusCode=200
$ cat /tmp/logs/error.log | grep clientIP
[2023-02-14 09:13:21.370334]  WARN  clientIP= dataLength=-1 latency=264ns method=GET path=/hello statusCode=404
$ cat /tmp/logs/error.log | tail -1
[2023-02-14 09:13:21.370334]  WARN  clientIP= dataLength=-1 latency=264ns method=GET path=/hello statusCode=404

Gorm log

  • example code
package main

import (

	// GinLog gin middleware auto log
	GinLog "github.com/justin-ren/xlogrus/gin"

func main() {

	opt := GinLog.GetOpt()
	//path must end with '/',default is ./logs/
	opt.OptLogrus.LogPath = "/tmp/logs/"
	//full name of loop logs will be gin.log.202302013,default is access.log
	opt.OptLogrus.FileNamePrefix = "gin.log"

	//timestamp of log file is defined as following
	//"%Y%m%d" is default
	opt.OptLogrus.FileNameSuffixTimeFormat = "%Y%m%d"
	//will not log info for route /skip
	opt.SkipRoute = map[string]struct{}{
		"/skip": {},
	//keep cut of loop log is defined here
	//7 is default
	opt.OptLogrus.KeepCount = 7
	_, gLog, err := GinLog.New(opt)
	r := gin.New()
	r.Use(gLog, gin.Recovery())
	rLog := r.Group("log")
	rLog.GET("/hello", func(ctx *gin.Context) {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"msg": "hello"})
	rLog.GET("/skip", func(ctx *gin.Context) {
		ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{"msg": "ignored"})
	err = r.Run(":8080")
	if err != nil {
  • color is enabled in stdout Screenshot from 2023-02-14 09-46-15
  • color is disabled in log file
$ cat /tmp/logs/gorm.log
[2023-02-14 09:45:43.169051] ERROR  elapsed=0.150981 err=no such table: not_existing_tables from=/home/renxiong/projects/goTest/xlogrus-example/gorm.go:56 rows=0 sql=INSERT INTO `not_existing_tables` DEFAULT VALUES
$ cat /tmp/logs/error.log | tail -1
[2023-02-14 09:45:43.169051] ERROR  elapsed=0.150981 err=no such table: not_existing_tables from=/home/renxiong/projects/goTest/xlogrus-example/gorm.go:56 rows=0 sql=INSERT INTO `not_existing_tables` DEFAULT VALUES


logrus wrapper for gin, gorm and user trace log

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%