jurre / secureheaders

Security related headers all in one gem

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

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The 3.x branch was recently merged. See the upgrading to 3.x doc for instructions on how to upgrade including the differences and benefits of using the 3.x branch.

The 2.x branch will be maintained. The documentation below only applies to the 3.x branch. See the 2.x README for the old way of doing things.

The gem will automatically apply several headers that are related to security. This includes:

It can also mark all http cookies with the Secure, HttpOnly and SameSite attributes (when configured to do so).

secure_headers is a library with a global config, per request overrides, and rack middleware that enables you customize your application settings.


gem install secure_headers


If you do not supply a default configuration, exceptions will be raised. If you would like to use a default configuration (which is fairly locked down), just call SecureHeaders::Configuration.default without any arguments or block.

All nil values will fallback to their default values. SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT will disable the header entirely.

SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|
  config.cookies = {
    secure: true, # mark all cookies as "Secure"
    httponly: true, # mark all cookies as "HttpOnly"
    samesite: {
      strict: true # mark all cookies as SameSite=Strict
  config.hsts = "max-age=#{20.years.to_i}; includeSubdomains; preload"
  config.x_frame_options = "DENY"
  config.x_content_type_options = "nosniff"
  config.x_xss_protection = "1; mode=block"
  config.x_download_options = "noopen"
  config.x_permitted_cross_domain_policies = "none"
  config.referrer_policy = "origin-when-cross-origin"
  config.csp = {
    # "meta" values. these will shaped the header, but the values are not included in the header.
    report_only: true,      # default: false
    preserve_schemes: true, # default: false. Schemes are removed from host sources to save bytes and discourage mixed content.

    # directive values: these values will directly translate into source directives
    default_src: %w(https: 'self'),
    frame_src: %w('self' *.twimg.com itunes.apple.com),
    connect_src: %w(wws:),
    font_src: %w('self' data:),
    img_src: %w(mycdn.com data:),
    media_src: %w(utoob.com),
    object_src: %w('self'),
    script_src: %w('self'),
    style_src: %w('unsafe-inline'),
    base_uri: %w('self'),
    child_src: %w('self'),
    form_action: %w('self' github.com),
    frame_ancestors: %w('none'),
    plugin_types: %w(application/x-shockwave-flash),
    block_all_mixed_content: true, # see http://www.w3.org/TR/mixed-content/
    upgrade_insecure_requests: true, # see https://www.w3.org/TR/upgrade-insecure-requests/
    report_uri: %w(https://report-uri.io/example-csp)
  config.hpkp = {
    report_only: false,
    max_age: 60.days.to_i,
    include_subdomains: true,
    report_uri: "https://report-uri.io/example-hpkp",
    pins: [
      {sha256: "abc"},
      {sha256: "123"}

rails 2

For rails 3+ applications, secure_headers has a railtie that should automatically include the middleware. For rails 2 or non-rails applications, an explicit statement is required to use the middleware component.

use SecureHeaders::Middleware

Default values

All headers except for PublicKeyPins have a default value. See the corresponding classes for their defaults.

Named overrides

Named overrides serve two purposes:

  • To be able to refer to a configuration by simple name.
  • By precomputing the headers for a named configuration, the headers generated once and reused over every request.

To use a named override, drop a SecureHeaders::Configuration.override block outside of method definitions and then declare which named override you'd like to use. You can even override an override.

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|
    config.csp = {
      default_src: %w('self'),
      script_src: %w(example.org)

  # override default configuration
  SecureHeaders::Configuration.override(:script_from_otherdomain_com) do |config|
    config.csp[:script_src] << "otherdomain.com"

  # overrides the :script_from_otherdomain_com configuration
  SecureHeaders::Configuration.override(:another_config, :script_from_otherdomain_com) do |config|
    config.csp[:script_src] << "evenanotherdomain.com"

class MyController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # Produces default-src 'self'; script-src example.org otherdomain.org

  def show
    # Produces default-src 'self'; script-src example.org otherdomain.org evenanotherdomain.com

By default, a no-op configuration is provided. No headers will be set when this default override is used.

class MyController < ApplicationController
  def index

Per-action configuration

You can override the settings for a given action by producing a temporary override. Be aware that because of the dynamic nature of the value, the header values will be computed per request.

# Given a config of:
::SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|
   config.csp = {
     default_src: %w('self'),
     script_src: %w('self')

class MyController < ApplicationController
  def index
    # Append value to the source list, override 'none' values
    # Produces: default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' s3.amazonaws.com; object-src 'self' www.youtube.com
    append_content_security_policy_directives(script_src: %w(s3.amazonaws.com), object_src: %w('self' www.youtube.com))

    # Overrides the previously set source list, override 'none' values
    # Produces: default-src 'self'; script-src s3.amazonaws.com; object-src 'self'
    override_content_security_policy_directives(script_src: %w(s3.amazonaws.com), object_src: %w('self'))

    # Global settings default to "sameorigin"

The following methods are available as controller instance methods. They are also available as class methods, but require you to pass in the request object.

  • append_content_security_policy_directives(hash): appends each value to the corresponding CSP app-wide configuration.
  • override_content_security_policy_directives(hash): merges the hash into the app-wide configuration, overwriting any previous config
  • override_x_frame_options(value): sets the X-Frame-Options header to value

Appending / overriding Content Security Policy

When manipulating content security policy, there are a few things to consider. The default header value is default-src https: which corresponds to a default configuration of { default_src: %w(https:)}.

Append to the policy with a directive other than default_src

The value of default_src is joined with the addition if the it is a fetch directive. Note the https: is carried over from the default-src config. If you do not want this, use override_content_security_policy_directives instead. To illustrate:

::SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|
   config.csp = {
     default_src: %w('self')
Code Result
append_content_security_policy_directives(script_src: %w(mycdn.com)) default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' mycdn.com
override_content_security_policy_directives(script_src: %w(mycdn.com)) default-src 'self'; script-src mycdn.com


You can use a view helper to automatically add nonces to script tags:

<%= nonced_javascript_tag do %>
<% end %>

<%= nonced_style_tag do %>
body {
  background-color: black;
<% end %>


<script nonce="/jRAxuLJsDXAxqhNBB7gg7h55KETtDQBXe4ZL+xIXwI=">
<style nonce="/jRAxuLJsDXAxqhNBB7gg7h55KETtDQBXe4ZL+xIXwI=">
body {
  background-color: black;

Content-Security-Policy: ...
  script-src 'nonce-/jRAxuLJsDXAxqhNBB7gg7h55KETtDQBXe4ZL+xIXwI=' ...;
  style-src 'nonce-/jRAxuLJsDXAxqhNBB7gg7h55KETtDQBXe4ZL+xIXwI=' ...;

script/style-nonce can be used to whitelist inline content. To do this, call the content_security_policy_script_nonce or content_security_policy_style_nonce then set the nonce attributes on the various tags.

<script nonce="<%= content_security_policy_script_nonce %>">
  console.log("whitelisted, will execute")

<script nonce="lol">
  console.log("won't execute, not whitelisted")

  console.log("won't execute, not whitelisted")


script/style-src hashes can be used to whitelist inline content that is static. This has the benefit of allowing inline content without opening up the possibility of dynamic javascript like you would with a nonce.

You can add hash sources directly to your policy :

::SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|
   config.csp = {
     default_src: %w('self')

     # this is a made up value but browsers will show the expected hash in the console.
     script_src: %w(sha256-123456)

You can also use the automated inline script detection/collection/computation of hash source values in your app.

rake secure_headers:generate_hashes

This will generate a file (config/config/secure_headers_generated_hashes.yml by default, you can override by setting ENV["secure_headers_generated_hashes_file"]) containing a mapping of file names with the array of hash values found on that page. When ActionView renders a given file, we check if there are any known hashes for that given file. If so, they are added as values to the header.

  - "'sha256-yktKiAsZWmc8WpOyhnmhQoDf9G2dAZvuBBC+V0LGQhg='"
  - "'sha256-SLp6LO3rrKDJwsG9uJUxZapb4Wp2Zhj6Bu3l+d9rnAY='"
  - "'sha256-HSGHqlRoKmHAGTAJ2Rq0piXX4CnEbOl1ArNd6ejp2TE='"

This will not compute dynamic hashes by design. The output of both helpers will be a plain script/style tag without modification and the known hashes for a given file will be added to script-src/style-src when hashed_javascript_tag and hashed_style_tag are used. You can use raise_error_on_unrecognized_hash = true to be extra paranoid that you have precomputed hash values for all of your inline content. By default, this will raise an error in non-production environments.

<%= hashed_style_tag do %>
body {
  background-color: black;
<% end %>

<%= hashed_style_tag do %>
body {
  font-size: 30px;
  font-color: green;
<% end %>

<%= hashed_javascript_tag do %>
<% end %>
Content-Security-Policy: ...
 script-src 'sha256-yktKiAsZWmc8WpOyhnmhQoDf9G2dAZvuBBC+V0LGQhg=' ... ;
 style-src 'sha256-SLp6LO3rrKDJwsG9uJUxZapb4Wp2Zhj6Bu3l+d9rnAY=' 'sha256-HSGHqlRoKmHAGTAJ2Rq0piXX4CnEbOl1ArNd6ejp2TE=' ...;

Public Key Pins

Be aware that pinning error reporting is governed by the same rules as everything else. If you have a pinning failure that tries to report back to the same origin, by definition this will not work.

config.hpkp = {
  max_age: 60.days.to_i,    # max_age is a required parameter
  include_subdomains: true, # whether or not to apply pins to subdomains
  # Per the spec, SHA256 hashes are the only currently supported format.
  pins: [
    {sha256: 'b5bb9d8014a0f9b1d61e21e796d78dccdf1352f23cd32812f4850b878ae4944c'},
    {sha256: '73a2c64f9545172c1195efb6616ca5f7afd1df6f245407cafb90de3998a1c97f'}
  report_only: true,        # defaults to false (report-only mode)
  report_uri: 'https://report-uri.io/example-hpkp'


SecureHeaders supports Secure, HttpOnly and SameSite cookies. These can be defined in the form of a boolean, or as a Hash for more refined configuration.

Note: Regardless of the configuration specified, Secure cookies are only enabled for HTTPS requests.

Boolean-based configuration

Boolean-based configuration is intended to globally enable or disable a specific cookie attribute.

config.cookies = {
  secure: true, # mark all cookies as Secure
  httponly: false, # do not mark any cookies as HttpOnly

Hash-based configuration

Hash-based configuration allows for fine-grained control.

config.cookies = {
  secure: { except: ['_guest'] }, # mark all but the `_guest` cookie as Secure
  httponly: { only: ['_rails_session'] }, # only mark the `_rails_session` cookie as HttpOnly

SameSite cookie configuration

SameSite cookies permit either Strict or Lax enforcement mode options.

config.cookies = {
  samesite: {
    strict: true # mark all cookies as SameSite=Strict

Strict and Lax enforcement modes can also be specified using a Hash.

config.cookies = {
  samesite: {
    strict: { only: ['_rails_session'] },
    lax: { only: ['_guest'] }

Using with Sinatra

Here's an example using SecureHeaders for Sinatra applications:

require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
require 'secure_headers'

use SecureHeaders::Middleware

SecureHeaders::Configuration.default do |config|

class Donkey < Sinatra::Application
  set :root, APP_ROOT

  get '/' do
    SecureHeaders.override_x_frame_options(request, SecureHeaders::OPT_OUT)
    haml :index

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Copyright 2013-2014 Twitter, Inc and other contributors.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0: http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


Security related headers all in one gem

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Ruby 100.0%