jurre / learn-dutch

Dutch learning notes, open-sourced

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Learn Dutch

Spreek je Nederlands?

Basic greetings

Dutch English
Hallo Hello
Hoi Hi
Doei Bye
Dag Hi / Bye
Tot ziens Goodbye
Goedemorgen Good morning
Goedemiddag Good afternoon
Goedenavond Good evening
Goedenacht Good night

Introducing yourself

Dutch English
Ik heet [name] I’m called [name]
Ik ben [name] I’m [name]
Mijn naam is [name] My name is [name]
Leuk je te ontmoeten Nice to meet you
Insgelijks Likewise

Getting to know someone

Dutch English
Hoe gaat het? How are you?
Waar kom je vandaan? Where are you from?
Ik kom uit [place] I come from [place]
En met jou? And (with) you?

Being polite

Dutch English
Alsjeblieft Please
Alstublieft Please (formal)
Bedankt Thanks
Dank je wel Thank you
Dank u wel Thank you (formal)
Graag gedaan You’re welcome
Geen dank Nothing to thank


Dutch learning notes, open-sourced