jupl / wcb

Personal Webpack config builder

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WCB Webpack Config builder

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Personal Webpack config builder, targeted specifically for TypeScript.


npm install typescript wcb webpack


import {addToEntries, createConfiguration} from 'wcb'
const base = createConfiguration()
const tweaked = createConfiguration({
  source: 'src',
  destination: 'dist',
  assets: 'assets',
const extra = addToEntries(createConfiguration({
  common: true,
  cssLoaders: [{test: /\.css$/, use: ['css-loader']],
}), [

// webpack.config.ts
import {createConfiguration} from 'wcb'
export default createConfiguration()

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are available for things like DCE:


This is ~’true’~ if target is set to ~’web’~ or ~’webworker’~. Otherwise it is ~’false’~. Useful when using shared code.


This is read from the environment variable value set. Otherwise it is undefined.


This is always set to ~’true’~. This can be used for cases like when writing code for Node and run development code outside of Webpack.


createConfiguration(options?: Options): Configuration

Create a Webpack configuration which can be used by a webpack.config file.

addPlugins(configuration: Configuration, plugins: Plugin[]): Configuration

Given an existing configuration from createConfiguration, add Webpack plugins easily. Please note that this will return a new configuration and does not modify the given configuration.

addRules(configuration: Configuration, rules: Rule[]): Configuration

Given an existing configuration from createConfiguration, add Webpack rules for loaders easily. Please note that this will return a new configuration and does not modify the given configuration.

addToEntries(configuration: Configuration, modules: string[]): Configuration

Given an existing configuration from createConfiguration, load additional Node files to each entry. Please note that this will return a new configuration and does not modify the given configuration.


assets: string | boolean = false

Path that contains static files to copy over to the final build. Path is relative to process.cwd(). The following occurs in order from top to bottom:

  • If a custom string, that path is used
  • If true then path from source is used
    • Source files that are built are ignored
  • If false no static files are copied over

assetsIgnore: string[] = pattern

Glob patterns indicating files to ignore when using the assets option. By default it uses the pattern option.

chunkFilename: string = filename

Output chunk filename structure for JS/CSS. This is useful for caching strategies. DO NOT INCLUDE FILE EXTENSION.

common: string | boolean = false

If enabled and split is not enabled then a single file containing common code across multiple entry points will be included. This option is only use if a non-Node target is chosen and there are multiple entries to build. If value is true then name of file is called “common”, whereas a string value allows a custom filename.

cssLoaders: Loader[] = []

List of CSS loaders to incorporate. extract-text-webpack-plugin is used by default, whereas style-loader is used for hot reloading. Do NOT use extract-text-webpack-plugin nor style-loader as it will automatically be included.

destination: string = process.cwd()

Path where generated JS files will be placed in final build. If path is relative, it is relative to process.cwd().

devServer: boolean = false

If enabled then configuration will include support for Webpack DevServer.

environment: 'development' | 'production' = process.env.NODE_ENV

Environment to build under.

~filename: string = ‘[name]’~

Output bundle filename structure for JS/CSS. This is useful for caching strategies. DO NOT INCLUDE FILE EXTENSION.

html: boolean | string | object = false

If non-false, then use HTML Webpack Plugin to generate HTML files for each file from source. If an object is provided, then you can overwrite options. If a string then it is used as the template option in the plugin.

~hotReload: boolean = process.env.HOT_MODULES === ‘true’~

If enabled then Webpack hot reloading will be enabled. If using webpack-dev-server then use the server option. Otherwise if using webpack-dev-middleware or similar then use the middleware option.

log?: string | boolean

If value is a string, then logging is done with the string value used as an identifier.

pattern: string[] = ['**/*.ts{,x}']

Glob patterns to pick up as entry points relative to source. If you want to use JavaScript as entry points then instead of ts{,x} use {j,t}s{,x}.

source: string = process.cwd()

Path where source files will be used for building. If path is relative, it is relative to process.cwd().

split: boolean = false

If true then split code as outlined here.

sourceMaps?: Devtool

Webpack devtool option for source maps. By default the following occurs in order from top to bottom:

  • If environment is ~’production’~ then false
  • If hot reload is true then ~’cheap-module-eval-source-map’~
  • Otherwise then ~’source-map’~

~target: string = ‘web’~

Webpack targets to build to.

typescript?: object | true

If true or passed with options, include awesome-typescript-loader.

paths: boolean = false

If true then add support for paths option in tsconfig via tsconfig-paths-webpack-plugin.

webpack?: object

Webpack configuration options to start out with. This is an advanced option. Take care in which options are specified as this builder can override overlapping settings.


Personal Webpack config builder


Language:TypeScript 100.0%