jupiter323 / MERN-multiTenant-SAAS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Boilerplate Multi-Tenant web app: Role Based Permissions, Passport local authentication, React, Node.js, Bootstrap, Webpack

Multi-Tenant boiler plate website. Supports multiple client setup, multiple client branding. Each tenant/client site contains it's own set of users (role: 'User') and admins (role: 'Admin').

The role of 'SiteAdmin' is not associated with any client, and has administration privileges for all clients/companies and all users.

Project setup with local passport authentication strategy and role based permissions.

Api routes are authorized with an encrypted JsonWebToken, each api route can be assigned allowable user roles for permissions.

  • Node.js
  • Express 4
  • Passport local authentication strategy
    • JsonWebToken
    • Authorized token required for api routes, using middelware authorization check
  • MongoDB/Mongoose
Client JS
  • Webpack 3
    • ESLint
  • React 15.6
    • React Router 4 (react-router-dom)
    • Private and Public react routes
  • ES6

Client Styles

  • Bootstrap
  • Font Awesome
  • Sass


  • Token expiration setting
    • src/jsx/config/index
 * Set the token expire age in milliseconds.
session: {
	maxAge: 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000 // 2 hours
Shared Client\Server
  • Model validations
    • src/shared/model-validations.js
password: {
	minLength: {
		value: 8,
		message: 'Password must be a mininum of 8 characters'
email: {
	regex: {
		value: /^([\w.%+-]+)@([\w-]+\.)+([\w]{2,})$/i,
		message: 'Email is not valid.'
  • Roles
    • src/shared/roles.js
siteAdmin: 'SiteAdmin',
admin:     'Admin',
user:      'User'

Build the client files dist folder

# For dev ->
npm run build:dev
# or to watch and build on the fly
npm run watch

# For prod->
npm run build:prod

Buld the dist/client-branding folder

# For dev ->
npm run build:dev:branding
# or to watch and build on the fly
npm run watch:branding

# For prod ->
npm run build:prod:branding

Start the server

npm run start

Post Setup

There are three built in roles: 'User' (default), 'Admin' and 'SiteAdmin'

Only the Admin and SiteAdmin can access the User administration tool. The SiteAdmin can edit the users, the Admin role can only view the user list.

To add a SiteAdmin, create a new user account from the /signup page. Then manually update the database, set that user role to 'SiteAdmin'

User Admin view. Server-side paging, sortable, search by text filtering.


Setting up Client Sites

Client setup files are located in src/client-branding. There are three simple examples: src/client-branding + company123/ + companyabc/ + companyxyz/

To add a new client, add a new directory with corresponding index.html and site-branding.scss files

Each client branding directory can be served up by adding /etc/hosts rules to serve up the client directories as subdomains.

Example /etc/hosts setup (for local dev): mutlitenant.com CompanyABC.mutlitenant.com CompanyXYZ.mutlitenant.com Company123.mutlitenant.com

Client sites must be added to the database using the Company Administration tool when logged in as a SiteAdmin. alt-text




License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 89.3%Language:HTML 8.7%Language:CSS 1.9%