jupemara / go-spreadsheet-sql

spreadsheet sql for golang. ref: https://github.com/jupemara/spreadsheet-sql (TypeScript version)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A client library for Google Sheets with like SQL syntax. As you are familiar, users can fetch and filter actual data on each Sheet by "=QUERY()" . This library allows you fetch and filter each Sheet record with Golang. This library supports public and private Sheet, and also supports any authentication method; oauth2, service account, credential json file, etc.


$ go get -u github.comjupemara/go-spreadsheet-sql

simple usage case

import (

    "github.com/jupemara/go-spreadsheet-sql" // actual package name is sheets

client := sheets.NewClient(
records, _ := client.Query(
    `SELECT * WHERE A = "user001"`, // specify column name like "A" (sheet cell index not actual header name) in "WHERE" clause
log.Printf(`results: %+v`, records)

client parameters


You have to pass two required arguments; "spreadsheet key" and "worksheet name".

spreadsheet key

You can extract "spreadsheet key" from sheet url like following. Each spreadsheet url is made up of https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/${SPREADSHEET_KEY}/edit#gid=0 .

worksheet name

"worksheet name" is shown at the bottom of browser like a tab.


You can pass credential information by your own methods. For instance (now listing only popuplar options),

For details please see https://google.golang.org/api/option .

Response object

sheets.Client.Query method returns sheets.Response object. Response object has two methods to convert map or json. Designing those method signature is inspired by firestore client library.

firestore client library can return DocumentSnapshot as returnd value of Get method. DocumentSnapshot has two methods; Data and DataTo . Our Response object has also methods named samely.

Response.Data method simply returns []map[string]interface{}.

When target sheet has following data structure,

name email url
user001 user001@example.com https://user001.example.com

Data method returns data as below.

original, _ := res.Data()
// variable "original" is completely same with following map
sameWithOriginal := []map[string]interface{}{{
    "name": "user001",
    "email": "user001@example.com",
    "url": "https://user001.example.com",

Response.DataTo method receive one argument as schema information. You can use Golang struct similar with json annotated struct.

type Schema struct {
    Name string `json:"name"`
    Email string `json:"email"`
    Url string `json:"url"`

res, _ := client.Query("SELECT *")
var result Schema
err := res.DataTo(&s)
sameWithResult := Schema{
    Name: "user001",
    Email: "user001@example.com",
    Url: "https://user001.example.com",

If you would be happy to be familiar with firestore exported method design, you can see https://godoc.org/cloud.google.com/go/firestore#DocumentSnapshot.DataTo .


spreadsheet sql for golang. ref: https://github.com/jupemara/spreadsheet-sql (TypeScript version)


Language:Go 100.0%