juntae9926 / Context-Augmentation

Sogang Univ. Grad. Big-data project repository

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Implementation of Context-aware methods for multi-label classification to increase AP of minority co-occurrence pair.
Sogang Univ. Grad.


pip install -r requirements.txt

Example of co-occurence matrix

PascalVOC 2012

MSCOCO labels : 0 ~ 10

Proposed Methods

Augmentation for minority

Method 1 - using a bounding box or polygon segmentation

Method 2 - image to patch level

Project Architecture

├─augmentation.py         # method1, method2, zero co-occurence pair 를 위한 함수 

dataloader.py & augmentation.py

  • Implementation of augmentation for minority co-occurrence pair(k-pair) from dataset
  • Augmentation Method 2(patch-level; similar as Cutmix)

Dataset Overview

  • Train a model on MS-COCO 2017 train/val dataset

  • Test a trained model using MS-COCO 2017 test dataset

  • To train a model, we use Pascal-VOC 2012 trainval dataset

  • To test a model, we use Pascal-VOC 2007 test dataset

Model Setting

  • We leverage Resnet-18, Resnet-50, Resnet-101 to test our augmentation method.
  • Two major options for model, which are from scratch and from pre-trained weights on ImageNet.
  • Our purpose of this augmentation is raising APs of minority class. It means that the model should be measured by classes-by-class AP tomeasure our augmentation method properly.

How to Use

  • If you want to apply the original setting, just use train.sh as a script
  • To train model with another option, make your own script modifying the hyperparameters.
python3 main.py --lr 0.001 \
                --batch-size 64 \
                --scheduler cosine \
                --criterion soft \
                --device cuda:0 \
                --use-method \
                --rotate \
                --save-dir runs/method


pip install gdown
gdown https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1wmSHTQnZbqFgaMIg-t-Ga3eocST5QVod # ResNet-101, K=30



class mAP #0 #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19
use-method 86.24 91.96 94.7 90.65 88.31 66.1 84.85 95.14 96.6 74.97 75.66 81.75 96.6 95.97 92.54 97.57 72.41 65.46 79.93 99.45 84.24
no-method 86.16 92.07 95.65 90. 88.28 67.45 84.27 95.04 97.16 75. 73.75 82.03 97.08 95.9 91.95 97.44 70.83 65.35 81.06 98.53 84.39


class mAP
no-method 76.46
use-method 76.31


  • To test properly, AP score matrix for multi-label classification
  • MS-COCO dataloader with our augmentation method
  • Apply K-select option with initial co-occurrence matrix
  • Poisition randomness of attached object
  • Size randomness of attached object
  • Angle randomness of attached object
  • Compare unrel_matrix and performances [evaluate heuristically]


Sogang Univ. Grad. Big-data project repository


Language:Python 98.2%Language:Jupyter Notebook 1.5%Language:Shell 0.3%