junnlikestea / massprint

A tool to do basic fingerprinting across a large number of hosts

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


release Build status

Massprint tool to do light-weight fingerprinting across a large number of hosts, that is heavily inspired by tools like ProjectDiscovery's Nuclei and StaticFlow's go-fingerprint.


Precompiled binaries for massprint are available in the releases tab. Just pick your platform and extract the archive that contains the binary.

Building it yourself

If you want to build it yourself you will need to install Rust, you can get the official installation from the Rust website.

To build Massprint:

$ git clone https://github.com/junnlikestea/massprint
$ cd massprint
$ cargo build --release
$ ./target/release/massprint --version


Creating a Template to use

The massprint templates are very similar to the basic Nuclei templates. For example, here is a template to discover Microsoft IIS servers that I created after watching @shubs video Hacking IIS servers.

  service: Microsoft IIS
  description: Detect instances of Microsoft IIS servers.
  # Fingerprint identifiers taken from Shub's Video on IIS.

  - method: GET
      - '/' # If you have no specific paths, specify the root path.
      - '<input[^>]+name="__VIEWSTATE' 
      - 'X-AspNet-Version:(.+);version:1,'
      - 'X-AspNet-Version:(.+)'
      - 'X-AspNetMvc-Version:(.+)'
      - 'X-Powered-By:^ASP\.NET'
      - 'ASP\.NET_SessionId'
      - 'ASPSESSION'
    ports: [80, 443]

check the templates directory for more examples.

Running a single template across a list of hosts or IPs'

The targets file can be a list of IP Addresses or subdomains, massprint doesn't currently take input in the form of http://something.domain.com.

massprint -i targets.txt -t templates/tech/graphql.yaml

or output from other tools

vita -d hackerone.com | massprint -t templates/tech/graphql.yaml

Running multiple templates across a list of targets

massprint -i targets.txt -t iis.yaml application-wadl.yaml

Checking the output

massprint will print the matches to stdout and write all responses into a json file, to quickly check for a match you could use jq

~$jq -r 'select(.is_match==true)' 2020-9-29-0-mp_results.json

  "location": "https://hackerone.com/graphql",
  "service": "GraphQL",
  "status": 200,
  "body": "date:Tue, 29 Sep 2020 11:00:51 GMT\ncontent-type:application/json; charset=utf-8\ntransfer-encoding:chunked\nconnection:keep-alive\nset-cookie:__cfduid=d6655f3a6d558fe82609cf42e70d799a11601377251; expires=Thu, 29-Oct-20 11:00:51 GMT; path=/; domain=.hackerone.com; HttpOnly; SameSite=Lax; Secure\ncache-control:no-cache, no-store\ncontent-disposition:inline; filename=\"response.\"\nx-request-id:3d29a9e0-eb99-45e7-85ab-4274aa30f5bb\netag:W/\"d8d486d100c24abe1a9b0959ab0e593a\"\nstrict-transport-security:max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload\nx-frame-options:DENY\nx-content-type-options:nosniff\nx-xss-protection:1; mode=block\nx-download-options:noopen\nx-permitted-cross-domain-policies:none\nreferrer-policy:strict-origin-when-cross-origin\nexpect-ct:enforce, max-age=86400\ncontent-security-policy:default-src 'none'; base-uri 'self'; block-all-mixed-content; child-src www.youtube-nocookie.com b5s.hackerone-ext-content.com; connect-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com errors.hackerone.net; font-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; frame-ancestors 'none'; img-src 'self' data: cover-photos.hackerone-user-content.com hackathon-photos.hackerone-user-content.com profile-photos.hackerone-user-content.com hackerone-us-west-2-production-attachments.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com; media-src 'self' hackerone-us-west-2-production-attachments.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com; script-src 'self' www.google-analytics.com; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; report-uri https://errors.hackerone.net/api/30/csp-report/?sentry_key=61c1e2f50d21487c97a071737701f598\ncf-cache-status:DYNAMIC\ncf-request-id:057b1ec8f80000e9bb1327d200000001\nserver:cloudflare\ncf-ray:5da533ee5820e9bb-BNE\n\n\n{\"data\":{\"__schema\":{\"queryType\":{\"name\":\"Query\"}}}}",
  "is_match": true

Splitting a large file into batches and running massprint over a batch

this setting can be useful when you want to split the workload between multiple nodes or droplets.

massprint -i large-file.txt -t iis.yaml --num-batch 10 --batch 1

Send notifications to a Slack webhook when discovering a match

massprint -i targets.txt -t iis.yaml --notifications \
	--webhook "https://hooks.slack.com/services/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b29r" \
	--channel "#beep"

If you would like some more verbose output you can use the -v flag. There are different levels of verbosity ranging from noisy to informational, most of the time I just use info. This is all printing to stderr, so it won't be captured in the results.

  • info: General information like how many results each source returned.
  • debug: Lots and lots of information about what's going on under the hood.
massprint -i targets.txt -t graphql.yaml -v info

Common error - Too many open files

Massprint uses async concurrent http requests under the hood. If you encounter an error similar to "Too many open files" it means that there isn't enough available file descriptors on your system. You can fix this by increasing the hard and soft limits. There are lots of different guides available to increase the limits but here is one for linux.

A note on tuning the concurrency

Massprint will limit itself to 200 concurrent and parallel tasks, you can change this using the -c flag.

massprint -i targets.txt -t iis.yaml -c 500


StaticFlow & Nahamsec For gofingerprint which was an inspiration to build my own version of a fingerprinting tool.

0xatul For feedback and improvement ideas.

ProjectDiscovery Team & Contributors For nuclei-templates which was a great reference for templates.


Developers have/has no responsibility or authority over any kind of:

  • Legal or Law infringement by third parties and users.
  • Malicious use capable of causing damage to third parties.
  • Illegal or unlawful use of massprint.


A tool to do basic fingerprinting across a large number of hosts


Language:Rust 99.7%Language:Shell 0.3%