junminhong / rails_practice_api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Raw Data

User Json

Pharmacies Json


  • List all pharmacies that are open at a certain datetime
  • List all pharmacies that are open on a day of the week, at a certain time
  • List all masks that are sold by a given pharmacy, sorted by mask name or mask price
  • List all pharmacies that have more or less than x mask products within a price range
  • Search for pharmacies or masks by name, ranked by relevance to search term
  • The top x users by total transaction amount of masks within a date range
  • The total amount of masks and dollar value of transactions that happened within a date range
  • Edit pharmacy name, mask name, and mask price
  • Remove a mask product from a pharmacy given by mask name
  • Process a user purchases a mask from a pharmacy, and handle all relevant data changes in an atomic transaction


  • List all pharmacies that are open at a certain date time

    • 說明:列出特定日期時間開放的所有藥局

    • 控制器:PharmacyStoresController

    • model:PharmacyStore

    • route:pharmacy_stores

    • API:pharmacy_stores?datetime=xx:xx

      		pharmacy_store_id: xxx,
      		pharmacy_store_name: xxx,
      		pharmacy_store_open_time: xx:xx,
      		pharmacy_store_close_time: xx:xx
  • List all pharmacies that are open on a day of the week, at a certain time

    • 說明:列出一週中的某一天營業的所有藥局

    • API:pharmacy_stores?week=1...7

      		pharmacy_store_id: xxx
      		pharmacy_store_name: xxx
  • List all masks that are sold by a given pharmacy, sorted by mask name or mask price

    • 說明:列出指定藥局出售的所有口罩,按照口罩名稱或者口罩價格排序

    • API:pharmacy_masks?pharmacy_store_id=x&choose=0(name) or 1(price)&sort=ASC(由小至大) or DESC(由大至小)

      		mask_id: xxx
      		mask_name: xxx
      		mask_price: xxx
  • List all pharmacies that have more or less than x mask products within a price range

    • 說明:列出口罩價格範圍內大於x或者小於x的所有藥局

    • API:pharmacy_stores?money=x&choose=0(big)1(small)

      		pharmacy_store_id: xxx
      		pharmacy_store_name: xxx
  • Search for pharmacies or masks by name, ranked by relevance to search term

    • 說明:按照名稱搜尋藥房或口罩,並與搜尋詞的相關性排名

    • API:search?name= xxx

      		pharmacy_store_id: xxx
      		pharmacy_store_name: xxx
      		mask_id: xxx,
      		mask_name: xxx
  • The top x users by total transaction amount of masks within a date range

    • 說明:在某個日期範圍內,按照口罩交易總數的前x位用戶

    • API:users?date=xxx

      		user_id: xxx,
      		user_name: xxx
  • The total amount of masks and dollar value of transactions that happened within a date range

    • 說明:在某個日期範圍內,口罩總數以及價錢

    • API:pharmacy_masks?date=xxxx

      		mask_total_count: xxx,
      		mask_total_price: xxx
  • Edit pharmacy name, mask name, and mask price

    • 說明:編輯藥局名稱,口罩名稱,口罩價格

    • API:pharmacy_stores?pharmacy_store_id=xx&mask_name=xx&mask_price=xx

      		msg: 'successful' or 'failed'
  • Remove a mask product from a pharmacy given by mask name

    • 說明:從口罩名稱指定的藥局移除一個口罩產品

    • API:

      		msg: 'successful' or 'failed'
  • Process a user purchases a mask from a pharmacy, and handle all relevant data changes in an atomic transaction

    • 說明:

    • API:

      		msg: 'successful' or 'failed'



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