junjizhi / lww-element-set

An Python implementation of Last-Writer-Wins Element Set.

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This is a Last-Writer-Wins Element Set(lww-set) data structure implemented in Python language. Conceptually, lww-set is an Operation-based Conflict-Free Replicated Date Type(CRDT). It can achieve strong eventual consistency and monotonicy (i.e., no rollbacks).

The repo includes lww_python, an implementation based on Python dicitonaries (non-distributed) and lww_redis, implemented based on Redis sorted set (ZSET). Both implementations are thread-safe. lww_redis can be a building block for a time-series event storage layer like Roshi. Below we generally refer to both implementations as "lww-set".


The lww-set provides the following API:

  • add(element, timestamp): Adds an element associated with its timestamp in the set.
  • remove(element, timestamp): Removes an element associated with its timestamp in the set.
  • exist(element): returns True if the element exists, False otherwise. The criteria is whether the element's most recent operation was an add.
  • get(): returns a list of existing elements in lww-set.

lww-set consists of two separate underlying sets: add_set and remove_set. Each set records entries of (element, timestamp). When inserting an element to add_set or remove_set, create a new entry if the element does not exist. Otherwise, update the corresponding entry's timestamp if it is more recent (i.e., the timestamp argument is larger).

In order to satisfy the CRDT properties, i.e., Associativity, Commutativity and Idempotence, lww-set defines the following combinations of operations and their resulting states.

Original state Operation Resulting state
A(a,1) R() add(a,0) A(a,1) R()
A(a,1) R() add(a,1) A(a,1) R()
A(a,1) R() add(a,2) A(a,2) R()
A() R(a,1) add(a,0) A(a,0) R(a,1)
A() R(a,1) add(a,1) A(a,1) R(a,1)
A() R(a,1) add(a,2) A(a,2) R(a,1)
A() R(a,1) remove(a,0) A() R(a,1)
A() R(a,1) remove(a,1) A() R(a,1)
A() R(a,1) remove(a,2) A() R(a,2)
A(a,1) R() remove(a,0) A(a,1) R(a,0)
A(a,1) R() remove(a,1) A(a,1) R(a,1)
A(a,1) R() remove(a,2) A(a,1) R(a,2)

Note: The above table is different from the one in Roshi which does instant garbage collection. The above table makes sure lww-set meets strictly the Commutativity property, i.e., a+b = b+a, the order of applying operations does not matter. However, because there is no garbage collection, there can be redundant copies of elements in both add_set and remove_sets, which wastes space.

Semantics of lww-set add/remove operations

Unlike any other usual set data structure, lww-set's add/remove operation semantic is slightly different. When you call add() or remove(), what actually happens internally under the hood is record the add/remove operations in the underlying sets. The below two cases are possible

  • A remove() operation of (element, timestamp) is recorded in remove_set before the corresponding element exists in add_set.
  • A previously existing element has been deleted in lww-set, i.e., the element in remove_set has a higher timestamp than in add_set. However, a client can still issue the remove() on that element multiple times and the timestamp of that element in remove_set will be updated multiple times.

These above scanarios are allowed in lww-set because we position lww-set as a layer where operations come in asynchronously. Because of the CRDT properties, the order of the operation arrival time does not matter, so all replicated lww-set will eventually converge.

Return Values of add/remove()

In the API, what value should lww-set remove operation return? We are facing the dilemma of using usual set semantic vs. lww-set state changes.

For example, when add set and remove set are both empty, i.e., A() R(), we perform Remove(a,1) operation on the lww-set. From an external view, we are deleting a non-existing element in lww-set, so it should return False in this semantic. But what actually happens is remove set will record an R operation and the internal result is changed to: A() R(a,1). So it indeed changes the state of lww-set and it should return True.

If the return value is based on the usual set add/remove semantic, then it may confuse the users because some other processes calling the same method concurrently may have overwritten the element (with a more recent timestamp).

If the return value is based on whether lww-set internal state has been changed, then we probably should we enumerate all return values for all possible scenarios(the table above). However, exposing the internal states of lww-set violates the encapsulation.

In this API, the return value of these two functions is boolean value. If it returns True, it only indicates whether the request is acknowledged and processed by the data structure according to CRDT semantic, but there is no guarantee it has take effect. If it returns False, it could be due to a network connection problem and a retry may solve the problem.


For add() or remove(), if the timestamp argument is the most recent (compared with all other elements), the operation will eventually succeed. Otherwise, when other processes or threads are invoking add() or remove() operations concurrently , the timestamp of an element may be overwritten by another newer timestamp. Therefore, each client won't know whether its add() or remove() operations succeeds because it does not have the ''big picture'' of whether there is more recent operation. The return value is always none and does not indicate the success of this operation. The only way to check is by calling exist() or get().

However, when calling exist() or get(), if no other processes/threads is calling add() or remove() concurrently, it is guaranteed that exist() or get() always returns the most recent result. But when there are concurrent operations, there is no such guarantees and it is possible to get an out-dated result. After all on-the-fly operations complete, calling exist() or get() will eventually return the up-to-date result.

Implementation Details

Element and timestamp value type

All element arguments are converted to strings and used as keys to index into the set. The code will simply call str(element) to try to convert it into a string. It is the users' responsibility to design the element-to-string conversion schema. If the users decides to use built-in types such as int, long, float as element, the conversion is natural. However, for more complex object types, users may need to overwrite the __str__ functions to return the object identity string. Similar to Redis, we limit the element string to be 512 Megabytes in length.

On the other hand, timestamp is stored as a float value.

Synchronization considerations

Underlying sets and locking in add() and remove()

For lww_python, the two underlying sets are implemented in Python dictionaries. Since Python's GIL guarantees that only one thread runs at a time, individual dictionary operations, for example, D[x] = y, are atomic and thread-safe.

However, there is no atomic test & set operations in Python dictionary. For lww-set add/remove operations which is to insert operations to add_sets/remove_sets, we need to protect the critical region (like the one below) from data race.

# Element test & set region
# race condition could happen in below snippet without locking
if element in target_set:
    current_timestamp = target_set[element]
    if current_timestamp < timestamp:
        target_set[element] = timestamp
        target_set[element] = timestamp              

Similar design is used to lww_redis. The operations used are mainly ZADD, ZSCORE and ZRANGE. The Redis client used is redis.py. Since ZADD simply updates the score of an existing number, it has the same semantic as Python dictionaries. For test & set semantics in lww_redis, we still need to use locks to protect add()/remove() operations.

No lock in exist() or get()

For exist() or get() implementations, they only need to read values from the Python dictionaries, i.e.,add_set and remove_set. Because each dictionary read operation in Python is atomic (dicussed above), there is no need to protect them with a lock.

The similar observation applies to Redis. Up to the current version(3.0.7), Redis instance is single threaded and each individual command is atomic, just like Python dictionaries. Therefore, we do not protect the ZSET read operations, i.e., ZSCORE, ZRANGE, with locks.

The implication is that there is no guarantee that exist() or get() returns the most up-to-date results when there is concurrent write operations on the fly. But the results will be up-to-date eventually.

Usage Examples

import redis
r = redis.StrictRedis(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0)   
lww = LWW_redis(r)
#lww = LWW_python()  # lww based on python dict
a = 1
lww.exist(str(a))    # Should return True
lww.get()            # Should return ['1']
lww.exist(str(a))    # Should return False
lww.get()            # Should return []

Future work

lww_redis can be a building block for a time-series event storage layer like Roshi. It is a thin layer that supports fast, scalable and reliable writes to a popular value (e.g., a twitter update from a celebrity) whose updates will propagate to a large number of followers. To do so, lww_redis needs the help of the following components:

  • Data sharding that partitions dataset horizontally to achieve better load balancing.
  • Data repair in case of replica instance or network failures. Because of the CRDT properties, defining policies to update out-dated replicas is straight-forwrad.
  • A server component that exposes proper APIs (e.g., HTTP REST) for clients.


  1. Conflict-Free Replicated Date Type Wikipedia page.
  2. Redis Replication
  3. Roshi, an LWW-element-set CRDT implemented in Go by SoundCloud.


An Python implementation of Last-Writer-Wins Element Set.


Language:Python 100.0%