jungomi / summer-school-2023-competition

Our solution for the OCR competition of the summer school of document analysis 2023

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Summerschool 2023 - OCR Competition

Table of Contents


All dependencies can be installed with pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

On Windows the PyTorch packages may not be available on PyPi, hence you need to point to the official PyTorch registry:

pip install -r requirements.txt -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

If you'd like to use a different installation method or another CUDA version with PyTorch follow the instructions on PyTorch - Getting Started.



Training is done with the train.py script:

python train.py --name some-name --train-gt /path/to/gt.tsv --validation-gt /path/to/gt.tsv difficult=/another/path/some-gt.tsv --fp16 --trocr-preprocessing --ema

The --name option is used to give it a name, otherwise the current date and time is used as a name and -c is to resume from the given checkpoint, if not specified it starts fresh.

--trocr-preprocessing is necessary to use the default TrOCR preprocessing, otherwise it's resized to keep the aspect ratio based on the --height that was set. Additionally, it is binarised (greyscaled with background being set to pure white) unless --no-greyscale is specified.

The best and latest models are saved in the models/ directory under the experiment name, where the best model is the average model across all epochs up to that point with the Exponential Moving Average (if --ema is given). These models can also be used as a pretrained model to further finetune them by providing them to the --pretrained option.

Modern GPUs contain Tensor Cores (starting from V100 and RTX series) which enable mixed precision calculation, using optimised fp16 operations while still keeping the fp32 weights and therefore precision.

It can be enabled by setting the --fp16 flag.

Other GPUs without Tensor Cores do not benefit from using mixed precision since they only do fp32 operations and you may find it even becoming slower.

Multiple validation datasets can be specified, optionally with a name, --validation-gt /path/to/gt.tsv difficult=/another/path/some-gt.tsv would use two validation sets. When no name is specified, the name of the ground truth file and its parent directory is used. In the previous example the two sets would have the names: to/gt and difficult. The best checkpoints are determined by the average across all validation sets.

For all options see python train.py --help.


During the training various types of logs are created with Lavd and everything can be found in log/ and is grouped by the experiment name.

  • Summary
  • Checkpoints
  • Top 5 Checkpoints
  • Event logs

To visualise the logged data run:

lavd log/


To ensure consistency in the code, the following tools are used and also verified in CI:

  • ruff: Linting
  • mypy: Type checking
  • black: Formatting
  • isort: Import sorting / formatting
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

It is recommended to have an editor configured such that it uses these tools, for example with the Python language server, which uses the Language Server Protocol (LSP), which allows you to easily see the errors / warnings and also format the code (potentially, automatically on save) and other helpful features.

Almost all configurations are kept at their default, but because of conflicts, a handful of them needed to be changed. These modified options are configured in pyproject.toml, hence if your editor does not agree with CI, it is most likely due to the config not being respected, or by using a different tool that may be used as a substitute.

Pre-Commit Hooks

All checks can be run on each commit with the Python package pre-commit.

First it needs to be installed:

pip install pre-commit

And afterwards the git pre-commit hooks need to be created:

pre-commit install

From now on, the hook will run the checks automatically for the changes in the commit (not all files).

However, you can run the checks manually on all files if needed with the -a/--all flag:

pre-commit run --all


Python's included debugger pdb does not work for multi-processing and just crashes when the breakpoint is reached. There is a workaround to make it work with multiple processes, which is included here, but it is far from pleasant to use since the same TTY is shared and often alternates, making the debugging session frustrating, especially since the readline features do not work with this workaround.

A much better debugger uses the Debugger Adapter Protocol (DAP) for remote debugging, which allows to have a full debugging experience from any editor that supports DAP. In order to enable this debugger you need to have debugpy installed.

pip install debugpy

To start a debugging sessions, a breakpoint needs to be set with custom breakpoint function defined in debugger.py:

from debugger import breakpoint

# ...
breakpoint("Optional Message")

This will automatically enable the debugger at the specified port (default: 5678) and for every additional process, it will simply create a different session, with the port incremented by one.

If debugpy is not installed, it will fall back to the multi-processing version of PDB..

Should your editor not support DAP (e.g. PyCharm doesn't and probably won't ever), it is easiest to use VSCode for this.


Our solution for the OCR competition of the summer school of document analysis 2023

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%