jungomi / pharo-duck-typing-analysis

Pharo duck typing analysis

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Pharo Duck Typing Analysis

Analysis of duck typing in Pharo Smalltalk

Cartesian Product Algorithm (CPA) implementation

The Cpa class is the main instance for the code analysis with the Cartesian Product Algorithm (CPA). It parses the AST of the code that is being analysed and tries to infer the types of the variables, the return types of the methods and additionally also potential duck types that are used within the code.


The analysis starts in Cpa>>#processNode: which takes an AST node as input, that can be parsed with the RBParser class.

cpa := Cpa new.

parsedExpression := RBParser parseExpression: '| duck |
  duck := Dictionary new.
  duck := Set new.
  duck add: Object'.
cpa processNode: parsedExpression.

parsedMethod := RBParser parseCompiledMethod: CpaNode>>#propagate.
cpa processNode: testNode.

Alternatively the class methods Cpa>>#processExpression: and Cpa>>#processMethod: can be used to pass a string or a method that will be analysed, returning the resulting Cpa instance.

Cpa processExpression: '| duck |
  duck := Dictionary new.
  duck := Set new.
  duck add: Object'.

Cpa processMethod: CpaNode>>#propagate.

Public API and Key Messages

  • variables - returns a Dictionary containing all variables and their types in the respective scope.
  • variablesFromScopeWithId: Name - returns a Dictionary containing all variables in the scope with the given name.
  • variablesWithName: Name - returns a Dictionary containing the types of the variable with the given name.
  • ducks - returns a Dictionary containing all duck types associated to the variables.
  • ducksFromScopeWithId: Name - returns a Dictionary containing all duck types in the scope with the given name.
  • ducksOfVariable: Name - returns a Dictionary containing the duck types of the variable with the given name.

Instance Variables

  • currentScope: CpaScope - the current lexical scope.
  • globalScope: CpaScope - the global (top-level) lexical scope.
  • instanceVariableTypes: Dictionary - contains instance variables of the analysed classes.
  • repository: CpaMethodRepository - holds a list of method templates.
  • returnTypes: CpaReturn - represents the current return value types.
  • methodFailed: Boolean - represents whether the most recent method failed.

Implementation Details


Every method creates a new scope as a child of the currently active scope (starting with the global scope), building a tree. There are a few cases that require additional informations:


A block creates a new scope where local variables follow the rules of the basic scope with the addition that self, super, instance variables and returns belong the enclosing method. This method is not necessarily the parent of the block, as it is possible to have nested blocks. Therefore it is needed to keep track of the enclosing method in the scope information. CpaBlockScope achieves this, allowing the identification of the correct receiver. Blocks also have implicit returns, because return statements belong the enclosing method.

Block Methods

The values of blocks can be accessed with the method value (i.e. BlockClosure>>#value), which is implemented using a primitive. In order to get that value the block return values (implicit return of the last expression) needs to be stored, so it can accessed at any time. This is done in a modified scope (CpaBlockMethodScope) which enables the possibility to detect whether the selector #value corresponds to a block and needs to be intercepted and replaced with the return values of the block.

Super Methods

Methods of the superclasses can be called, either explicitly with the keyword super or implicitly when the method is not defined in the called class but in one of its superclasses. These calls are similar to the block scoping differences, namely self, super and instance variables belong to the originally called class and not to the class where the method resides. For self and super it's essential to have this information to determine the correct (overridden) methods that need to be called. It is also needed to be able to tell which instance variables need to be modified. CpaSuperMethodScope provides those additional informations.


Return types of the last evaluated expression are stored in returnTypes of the Cpa instance. As methods can have multiple return statements, it is required to to accumulate those types but allowing the Cpa instance to overwrite the return type of the last expression. For this purpose the return types of a method are kept in the current scope (whilst taking the special cases, mentioned above, into account). A return value may be unknown due to limited access to the code (e.g. starting code analysis in a method, without the information of the passed parameters). Multiple return statements also add the fact that some return values are known and others unknown, these are marked as incomplete.

Duck Types

Potential duck types are added when a variable holds multiple types which respond to the selector.

Method Failure

A method fails whenever there is no suitable receiver for a message within the method.The method analysis is not aborted at that point, but continues normally in order to collect as much type information as possible. Every duck type that failed a message with the variable as receiver, is removed.


Pharo duck typing analysis

License:MIT License


Language:Smalltalk 99.5%Language:HTML 0.5%