juneb / SpaceX

PowerShell module to interact with api.spacexdata.com

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PowerShell module to interact with api.spacexdata.com (unofficial)

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Table of Contents


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Install the module from the PowerShellGallery.

Install-Module -Name SpaceX

Commands available

The following commands are available

Get-Command -module SpaceX
CommandType Name            Version Source
----------- ----            ------- ------
Function    Get-SXCapsule spacex
Function    Get-SXCompany spacex
Function    Get-SXLaunch spacex
Function    Get-SXLaunchpad spacex
Function    Get-SXPart spacex
Function    Get-SXRocket spacex

Launches data


Get-SXLaunch -upcoming
flight_number     : 55
launch_year       : 2018
launch_date_unix  : 1517941800
launch_date_utc   : 2018-02-06T18:30:00Z
launch_date_local : 2018-02-06T13:30:00-05:00
rocket            : @{rocket_id=falconheavy; rocket_name=Falcon Heavy; rocket_type=FT; 
                    first_stage=; second_stage=}
telemetry         : @{flight_club=}
reuse             : @{core=False; side_core1=True; side_core2=True; fairings=False; 
launch_site       : @{site_id=ksc_lc_39a; site_name=KSC LC 39A; site_name_long=Kennedy 
                    Space Center Historic Launch Complex 39A}
launch_success    : 
links             : @{mission_patch=; reddit_campaign=https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/com
                    reddit_launch=; reddit_recovery=; reddit_media=; presskit=; 
                    article_link=; video_link=}
details           : 

flight_number     : 56
launch_year       : 2018
launch_date_unix  : 1518272520
launch_date_utc   : 2018-02-10T14:22:00Z
launch_date_local : 2018-02-10T09:22:00-05:00
rocket            : @{rocket_id=falcon9; rocket_name=Falcon 9; rocket_type=FT; 
                    first_stage=; second_stage=}
telemetry         : @{flight_club=}
reuse             : @{core=True; side_core1=False; side_core2=False; fairings=False; 
launch_site       : @{site_id=vafb_slc_4e; site_name=VAFB SLC 4E; 
                    site_name_long=Vandenberg Air Force Base Space Launch Complex 4E}
launch_success    : 
links             : @{mission_patch=; reddit_campaign=https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/com
                    reddit_launch=; reddit_recovery=; reddit_media=; presskit=; 
                    article_link=; video_link=}
details           : 

flight_number     : 57
launch_year       : 2018
launch_date_unix  : 1518566400
launch_date_utc   : 2018-02-14T00:00:00Z
launch_date_local : 2018-02-14T00:00:00-05:00
rocket            : @{rocket_id=falcon9; rocket_name=Falcon 9; rocket_type=FT; 
                    first_stage=; second_stage=}
telemetry         : @{flight_club=}
reuse             : @{core=False; side_core1=False; side_core2=False; fairings=False; 
launch_site       : @{site_id=ccafs_slc_40; site_name=CCAFS SLC 40; site_name_long=Cape 
                    Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40}
launch_success    : 
links             : @{mission_patch=; reddit_campaign=https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/com
                    ments/7r5pyn/hispasat_30w6_launch_campaign_thread/; reddit_launch=; 
                    reddit_recovery=; reddit_media=; presskit=; article_link=; 
details           : 


Get-SXLaunch -Latest
flight_number     : 54
launch_year       : 2018
launch_date_unix  : 1517433900
launch_date_utc   : 2018-01-31T21:25:00Z
launch_date_local : 2018-01-31T16:25:00-05:00
rocket            : @{rocket_id=falcon9; rocket_name=Falcon 9; rocket_type=FT;
                    first_stage=; second_stage=}
telemetry         : @{flight_club=}
reuse             : @{core=True; side_core1=False; side_core2=False; fairings=False;
launch_site       : @{site_id=ccafs_slc_40; site_name=CCAFS SLC 40; site_name_long=Cape
                    Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40}
launch_success    : True
links             : @{mission_patch=https://i.imgur.com/UJTbQ1f.png; reddit_campaign=http
                    aign_thread/; reddit_launch=https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/
                    reddit_recovery=; reddit_media=https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/commen
                    ts/7tzzwy/rspacex_govsat1_media_thread_videos_images_gifs/; presskit=
                    http://www.spacex.com/sites/spacex/files/govsat1presskit.pdf; article
details           : Reused booster from the classified NROL-76 mission in May 2017.
                    Following a successful experimental ocean landing that used three
                    engines, the booster unexpectedly remained intact; Elon Musk stated
                    in a tweet that SpaceX will attempt to tow the booster to shore.

Launch sites data

id                : ccafs_slc_40
full_name         : Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 40
status            : active
location          : @{name=Cape Canaveral; region=Florida; latitude=28.5618571;
vehicles_launched : {Falcon 9}
details           : SpaceX primary Falcon 9 launch pad, where all east coast Falcon 9s
                    launched prior to the AMOS-6 anomaly. Initially used to launch Titan
                    rockets for Lockheed Martin. Back online since CRS-13 on 2017-12-15.

id                : stls
full_name         : SpaceX South Texas Launch Site
status            : under construction
location          : @{name=Boca Chica Village; region=Texas; latitude=25.9972641;
vehicles_launched : {Falcon 9}
details           : SpaceX new launch site currently under construction to help keep up
                    with the Falcon 9 and Heavy manifests. Expected to be completed in
                    late 2018. Initially will be limited to 12 flights per year, and
                    only GTO launches.

id                : vafb_slc_4w
full_name         : Vandenberg Air Force Base Space Launch Complex 4W
status            : active
location          : @{name=Vandenberg Air Force Base; region=California;
                    latitude=34.6332043; longitude=-120.6156234}
vehicles_launched : {Falcon 9}
details           : SpaceX west coast landing pad, has not yet been used. Expected to
                    first be used during the Formosat-5 launch.

id                : ccafs_lc_13
full_name         : Cape Canaveral Air Force Station Space Launch Complex 13
status            : active
location          : @{name=Cape Canaveral; region=Florida; latitude=28.4857244;
vehicles_launched : {Falcon 9}
details           : SpaceX east coast landing pad, where the historic first landing
                    occurred. Originally used for early Atlas missiles and rockets from
                    Lockheed Martin. Currently being expanded to add two smaller pads
                    for Falcon Heavy RTLS missions.


Capsules data

id                  : dragon1
name                : Dragon 1
type                : capsule
active              : True
crew_capacity       : 0
sidewall_angle_deg  : 15
orbit_duration_yr   : 2
heat_shield         : @{material=PICA-X; size_meters=3.6; temp_degrees=3000; 
thrusters           : {@{type=Draco; amount=18; pods=4; fuel_1=nitrogen tetroxide; 
                      fuel_2=monomethylhydrazine; thrust=}}
launch_payload_mass : @{kg=6000; lb=13228}
launch_payload_vol  : @{cubic_meters=25; cubic_feet=883}
return_payload_mass : @{kg=3000; lb=6614}
return_payload_vol  : @{cubic_meters=11; cubic_feet=388}
pressurized_capsule : @{payload_volume=}
trunk               : @{trunk_volume=; cargo=}
height_w_trunk      : @{meters=7.2; feet=23.6}
diameter            : @{meters=3.7; feet=12}

id                  : dragon2
name                : Dragon 2
type                : capsule
active              : False
crew_capacity       : 0
sidewall_angle_deg  : 15
orbit_duration_yr   : 2
heat_shield         : @{material=PICA-X; size_meters=3.6; temp_degrees=3000; 
thrusters           : {@{type=Draco; amount=18; pods=4; fuel_1=nitrogen tetroxide; 
                      fuel_2=monomethylhydrazine; thrust=}}
launch_payload_mass : @{kg=6000; lb=13228}
launch_payload_vol  : @{cubic_meters=25; cubic_feet=883}
return_payload_mass : @{kg=3000; lb=6614}
return_payload_vol  : @{cubic_meters=11; cubic_feet=388}
pressurized_capsule : @{payload_volume=}
trunk               : @{trunk_volume=; cargo=}
height_w_trunk      : @{meters=7.2; feet=23.6}
diameter            : @{meters=3.7; feet=12}

id                  : crewdragon
name                : Crew Dragon
type                : capsule
active              : False
crew_capacity       : 7
sidewall_angle_deg  : 15
orbit_duration_yr   : 2
heat_shield         : @{material=PICA-X; size_meters=3.6; temp_degrees=3000; 
thrusters           : {@{type=Draco; amount=18; pods=4; fuel_1=nitrogen tetroxide; 
                      fuel_2=monomethylhydrazine; thrust=}, @{type=SuperDraco; amount=8; 
                      pods=4; fuel_1=dinitrogen tetroxide; fuel_2=monomethylhydrazine; 
launch_payload_mass : @{kg=6000; lb=13228}
launch_payload_vol  : @{cubic_meters=25; cubic_feet=883}
return_payload_mass : @{kg=3000; lb=6614}
return_payload_vol  : @{cubic_meters=11; cubic_feet=388}
pressurized_capsule : @{payload_volume=}
trunk               : @{trunk_volume=; cargo=}
height_w_trunk      : @{meters=7.2; feet=23.6}
diameter            : @{meters=3.7; feet=12}

Parts data

Get-SXPart -Type Core
core_serial     : B0003
status          : expended
original_launch : 2010-06-04
missions        : {Dragon Qualification Unit}
rtls_attempt    : False
rtls_landings   : 0
asds_attempt    : False
asds_landings   : 0
water_landing   : False
details         : Core expended on flight, no recovery effort. First flight of Falcon 9

core_serial     : B0004
status          : expended
original_launch : 2010-12-08
missions        : {COTS Demo Flight 1}
rtls_attempt    : False
rtls_landings   : 0
asds_attempt    : False
asds_landings   : 0
water_landing   : False
details         : First flight of Dragon

core_serial     : B0005
status          : expended
original_launch : 2012-05-22
missions        : {COTS Demo Flight 2}
rtls_attempt    : False
rtls_landings   : 0
asds_attempt    : False
asds_landings   : 0
water_landing   : False
details         :

core_serial     : B0006
status          : expended
original_launch : 2012-10-08
missions        : {SpaceX CRS-1, Orbcomm-OG2}
rtls_attempt    : False
rtls_landings   : 0
asds_attempt    : False
asds_landings   : 0
water_landing   : False
details         : Suffered engine out at T+1:19 but primary mission successful


Company data

name           : SpaceX
founder        : Elon Musk
founded        : 2002
employees      : 7000
vehicles       : 3
launch_sites   : 3
test_sites     : 1
ceo            : Elon Musk
cto            : Elon Musk
coo            : Gwynne Shotwell
cto_propulsion : Tom Mueller
valuation      : 15000000000
headquarters   : @{address=Rocket Road; city=Hawthorne; state=California}
summary        : SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and
                 spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space
                 technology, with the ultimate goal of enabling people to live on other

Rocket data

All rockets


id               : falcon1
name             : Falcon 1
type             : rocket
active           : False
stages           : 2
boosters         : 0
cost_per_launch  : 67000000
success_rate_pct : 40
first_flight     : 2006-03-24
country          : Republic of the Marshall Islands
company          : SpaceX
height           : @{meters=22.25; feet=73}
diameter         : @{meters=1.68; feet=5.5}
mass             : @{kg=30146; lb=66460}
payload_weights  : {@{id=leo; name=Low Earth Orbit; kg=450; lb=992}}
first_stage      : @{reusable=False; engines=1; fuel_amount_tons=44.3; burn_time_sec=169; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=}
second_stage     : @{engines=1; fuel_amount_tons=3.38; burn_time_sec=378; thrust=; payloads=}
engines          : @{number=1; type=merlin; version=1C; layout=single; engine_loss_max=0; propellant_1=liquid oxygen; propellant_2=RP-1 kerosene; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=; thrust_to_weight=96}
landing_legs     : @{number=0; material=}
description      : The Falcon 1 was an expendable launch system privately developed and manufactured by SpaceX during 2006-2009. On 28 September 2008, Falcon 1 became the first privately-developed liquid-fuel 
                   launch vehicle to go into orbit around the Earth.

id               : falcon9
name             : Falcon 9
type             : rocket
active           : True
stages           : 2
boosters         : 0
cost_per_launch  : 61200000
success_rate_pct : 94
first_flight     : 2010-06-04
country          : United States
company          : SpaceX
height           : @{meters=70; feet=229.6}
diameter         : @{meters=3.7; feet=12}
mass             : @{kg=549054; lb=1207920}
payload_weights  : {@{id=leo; name=Low Earth Orbit; kg=22800; lb=50265}, @{id=gto; name=Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit; kg=8300; lb=18300}, @{id=mars; name=Mars Orbit; kg=4020; lb=8860}}
first_stage      : @{reusable=True; engines=9; fuel_amount_tons=385; burn_time_sec=162; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=}
second_stage     : @{engines=1; fuel_amount_tons=90; burn_time_sec=397; thrust=; payloads=}
engines          : @{number=9; type=merlin; version=1D+; layout=octaweb; engine_loss_max=2; propellant_1=liquid oxygen; propellant_2=RP-1 kerosene; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=; thrust_to_weight=180.1}
landing_legs     : @{number=4; material=carbon fiber}
description      : Falcon 9 is a two-stage rocket designed and manufactured by SpaceX for the reliable and safe transport of satellites and the Dragon spacecraft into orbit.

id               : falconheavy
name             : Falcon Heavy
type             : rocket
active           : False
stages           : 2
boosters         : 2
cost_per_launch  : 90000000
success_rate_pct : 0
first_flight     : TBD
country          : United States
company          : SpaceX
height           : @{meters=70; feet=229.6}
diameter         : @{meters=12.2; feet=39.9}
mass             : @{kg=1420788; lb=3125735}
payload_weights  : {@{id=leo; name=Low Earth Orbit; kg=63800; lb=140660}, @{id=gto; name=Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit; kg=26700; lb=58860}, @{id=mars; name=Mars Orbit; kg=16800; lb=37040}, @{id=pluto; 
                   name=Pluto Orbit; kg=3500; lb=7720}}
first_stage      : @{reusable=True; engines=27; fuel_amount_tons=1155; cores=3; burn_time_sec=162; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=}
second_stage     : @{engines=1; burn_time_sec=397; thrust=; payloads=}
engines          : @{number=27; type=merlin; version=1D+; layout=octaweb; engine_loss_max=6; propellant_1=subcooled liquid oxygen; propellant_2= RP-1 kerosene; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=; 
landing_legs     : @{number=12; material=carbon fiber}
description      : With the ability to lift into orbit over 54 metric tons (119,000 lb)--a mass equivalent to a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than 
                   twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost.

Specific rocket

Get-SXRocket -Rocket falconheavy

id               : falconheavy
name             : Falcon Heavy
type             : rocket
active           : False
stages           : 2
boosters         : 2
cost_per_launch  : 90000000
success_rate_pct : 0
first_flight     : TBD
country          : United States
company          : SpaceX
height           : @{meters=70; feet=229.6}
diameter         : @{meters=12.2; feet=39.9}
mass             : @{kg=1420788; lb=3125735}
payload_weights  : {@{id=leo; name=Low Earth Orbit; kg=63800; lb=140660}, @{id=gto; name=Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit; kg=26700; lb=58860}, @{id=mars; name=Mars Orbit; kg=16800; lb=37040}, @{id=pluto;
                   name=Pluto Orbit; kg=3500; lb=7720}}
first_stage      : @{reusable=True; engines=27; fuel_amount_tons=1155; cores=3; burn_time_sec=162; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=}
second_stage     : @{engines=1; burn_time_sec=397; thrust=; payloads=}
engines          : @{number=27; type=merlin; version=1D+; layout=octaweb; engine_loss_max=6; propellant_1=subcooled liquid oxygen; propellant_2= RP-1 kerosene; thrust_sea_level=; thrust_vacuum=;
landing_legs     : @{number=12; material=carbon fiber}
description      : With the ability to lift into orbit over 54 metric tons (119,000 lb)--a mass equivalent to a 737 jetliner loaded with passengers, crew, luggage and fuel--Falcon Heavy can lift more than
                   twice the payload of the next closest operational vehicle, the Delta IV Heavy, at one-third the cost.

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PowerShell module to interact with api.spacexdata.com

License:MIT License


Language:PowerShell 100.0%