jundaf2 / dnn-test-framework

DNN unit test framework

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

nnTest -- A DL Library Testing Framework.

nnTest mainly focuses on providing a testing framework that helps you train and inference Deep Neural Networks using YOUR OWN LIBRARY.

In this repo, we

  • integrate libtorch to serve as the computation library that generates ground truth for your own library implementation.
  • use CATCH2 as the easy-to-use unit testing framework.
  • provide a example that uses CUDA and cuBLAS to implement both the FWD and BWD pass of Linear Layer in DNN.

2 tests pass and 2 tests fail.

All tests pass.

How to use the framework

clone and install LibTorch

To clone this repo, use

git clone https://github.com/jundaf2/dnn-test-framework

To install the libtorch using pytorch submodule,

git clone https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch --recursive && cd pytorch
git submodule sync
git submodule update --init --recursive

cd pytorch
export USE_CUDA=False
export BUILD_TEST=False
python ./tools/build_libtorch.py

Copy the following folders to libtorch/include

  • pytorch/torch/include/torch
  • pytorch/torch/include/caffe2
  • pytorch/torch/include/c10
  • pytorch/torch/include/ATen
  • pytorch/torch/include/TH*

Copy the following shared library to libtorch/lib.

  • pytorch/build/lib/libtorch.so
  • pytorch/build/lib/libtorch_cpu.so
  • pytorch/build/lib/libc10.so

Copy pytorch/torch/share/cmake to libtorch/share.

Finally, you will get the libtorch subdirectory as follows.

│ ├─ATen
│ ├─c10
│ ├─caffe2
│ ├─TH
│ ├─THNN
│ └─torch
│ ├─libc10.so
│ ├─libtorch.so
│ └─libtorch_cpu.so

In short, you can use the following cli command to do the above operations. In the folder (project source folder) where /pytorch locates,

mkdir libtorch && mkdir libtorch/lib && mkdir libtorch/include && mkdir libtorch/share
cp -r pytorch/torch/include/torch pytorch/torch/include/caffe2 pytorch/torch/include/c10 pytorch/torch/include/ATen pytorch/torch/include/TH* libtorch/include
cp pytorch/build/lib/libtorch.so pytorch/build/lib/libtorch_cpu.so pytorch/build/lib/libc10.so libtorch/lib
cp -r pytorch/torch/share/cmake libtorch/share

nnTest APIs

public APIs (use outside the class)

  • virtual void init_data()
  • virtual void run_torch_dnn()
  • virtual void run_my_dnn()
  • void verify() (Already written, no need to override or modify)

protected APIs (use inside the class)

The generated data and the data registered to be tested assume the data has been linearized in a row-major (C/C++/CUDA default) manner. While BLAS and Eigen assumes data are stored in a col-major manner.

  1. When overriding init_data

    • void set_random_seed(unsigned int random_seed)
    • void set_print_el_num(int n) How many
    • std::vector<float> gen_rand_input(float rand_min, float rand_max, size_t len)
    • std::vector<float> gen_constant_input(float c, size_t len)
    • void set_input_vec(const float* x, size_t len, std::string name)
  2. When overriding run_torch_dnn

    • void get_input_ten(torch::Tensor& ten, std::string name, torch::TensorOptions options)
    • void register_torch_test_data(const torch::Tensor& x, std::string name)
  3. When overriding run_my_dnn

    • std::vector<float> get_input_vec(std::string name)
    • void register_raw_test_data(const float* x, size_t len, std::string name)
  4. Some logistics

    • void print_vec(const std::vector<float> outv, std::string outn, int start = 0)
    • std::string print_str_vec(const std::vector<float> outv, int start)
    • void print_ten(const torch::Tensor& x, std::string name)

In short, the register_raw_test_data that register variables generated by your own DNN implementation and register_torch_test_data that register variables computed by Torch should register an exact same set of names of variables with exactly the same length.

nnTest example

create a class for your DL module in a LibTorch fashion

Here we only provide skeleton, for the detailed example, see main.cc

struct test_Linear : public nn_test::nnTest, torch::nn::Module {
    torch::nn::Linear linear{nullptr};
    unsigned batch, in_features, out_features;
    // constructor
    test_Linear(int batch, int in_features, int out_features){
        this->linear = register_module("linear", torch::nn::Linear(in_features, out_features));

    // init and register data
    void init_data() override{
        this->set_print_el_num(64); // how many elements is output

        this->set_input_vec(this->gen_rand_input(-rand_range,rand_range,weight_len).data(), weight_len, "linear_weight");
        this->set_input_vec(this->gen_rand_input(-rand_range,rand_range,bias_len).data(), bias_len, "linear_bias");
        this->set_input_vec(this->gen_rand_input(-rand_range,rand_range,in_data_len).data(), in_data_len, "linear_in");
        this->set_input_vec(this->gen_rand_input(-rand_range,rand_range,out_data_len).data(), out_data_len, "target");

    // Your DNN routine
    void run_my_dnn() override{
        // Register the data to be test
        this->register_raw_test_data(output, batch*out_features, "output");
        this->register_raw_test_data(linear_in_grad, batch*in_features, "linear_in_grad");
        this->register_raw_test_data(linear_weight_grad, in_features*out_features, "linear_weight_grad");
        this->register_raw_test_data(linear_bias_grad, out_features, "linear_bias_grad");

    // Torch DNN routine
    void run_torch_dnn() override{
        // Register the data to be compared with
        this->register_torch_test_data(linear_out, "output");
        this->register_torch_test_data(linear_in.grad(), "linear_in_grad");
        this->register_torch_test_data(this->linear->weight.grad(), "linear_weight_grad");
        this->register_torch_test_data(this->linear->bias.grad(), "linear_bias_grad");

Initialize nnTest && Add test cases and sections.

int eval_linear(unsigned batch, unsigned in_features,unsigned out_features){
  test_Linear test_linear(batch,in_features,out_features);

TEST_CASE("Linear", "[Linear Layer]") {
  SECTION("[4,50,100]") {


What is to be initialized:

  • weights
  • input data
  • target data

What is to be tested:

  • forward result of the network output
  • forward result of the potential intermediate variables
  • backward gradients of the weights
  • backward gradients of potential intermediate variables

Linear Layer and MSE Loss


See the Pytorch documentations,


Some unoptimized kernels are in linear_layer_kernels.cu. GEMMs are based on the cuBLAS.

Multi-head Attention implemented in Eigen using nnTest

See https://github.com/jundaf2/eigenMHA


DNN unit test framework


Language:C++ 99.6%Language:CMake 0.2%Language:Cuda 0.1%Language:C 0.0%