junchil / eks-cluster

Deploy golang and python apps in EKS cluster (mix EC2 and Fargate), service meshing using Istio, ALB Ingress, Terraform, Helm, golang admission controller, golang kubernetes operator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Cluster external endpoints:



The CICD pipeline can be found here: https://github.com/junchil/eks-cluster/actions

Github secrets



  • Host web application inside aws eks cluster using alb + nginx ingress.
  • CICD using github action
  • Terraform for provision aws resources
  • Helm charts for managing eks cluster

Table of Contents


Overview: diagram


  • In the vpc module, it create two subnets: public subnets, private subnets.
  • Public subnets are public to internet. They are connected to Internet gateway.
  • Private subnets are private. They are connected to NAT gateway for getting internet traffic.
  • Bastion host sits in the public subnets.
  • Amazon EKS is using both public subnets and private subnets.
  • Kubernetes worker nodes sit in private subnets.
  • For saving money, the terraform doesn't provide ASG for bastion host, and nat gateway in each AZs. diagram diagram

EKS Cluster:

ALB: diagram

Bastion host:

  • Bastion host is a single vm which sits in the public subnets. It is used for managing the kubernetes work nodes if there is a need.
  • SSH port 22 is enabled in bastion host vm.

Helm charts


  • Kubernetes ingress resources by provisioning Application Load Balancers with aws-alb-ingress-controller
  • Auto DNS entry with external-dns. The following two records are automatically generated by it. diagram
  • Ingress controller that uses ConfigMap to store the nginx configuration. nginx-ingress
  • SSL Enable
  • Hostname -> routing rules
  • Can support multiple ingress class kubernetes-ingress
 ~/g/s/gi/j/eks-cluster/i/t/eks | main !2 ?1  kubectl get po             INT | 33m 48s | aws kube | 15:19:05 
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
eksapp-albcontroller-74bb58b9fc-2blj9           1/1     Running   0          49m
eksapp-externaldns-595b9688fc-wwk9r             1/1     Running   0          49m
eksapp-golang-app-bfd857976-kwvr4               1/1     Running   0          59m
eksapp-nginx-controller-7c88f9d586-qj6hg        1/1     Running   0          59m
eksapp-nginx-default-backend-566b98cbf8-d2ndp   1/1     Running   0          59m
eksapp-postgresql-0                             1/1     Running   0          59m
eksapp-python-app-5d55d98fbb-6wfc5              1/1     Running   0          59m
eksapp-testbox-c8cbff867-rrzw5                  1/1     Running   0          59m
 ~/g/s/gi/j/eks-cluster/i/t/eks | main !2 ?1  kubectl get deploy               ok | 3s | aws kube | 15:19:12 
NAME                           READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
eksapp-albcontroller           1/1     1            1           59m
eksapp-externaldns             1/1     1            1           59m
eksapp-golang-app              1/1     1            1           59m
eksapp-nginx-controller        1/1     1            1           59m
eksapp-nginx-default-backend   1/1     1            1           59m
eksapp-python-app              1/1     1            1           59m
eksapp-testbox                 1/1     1            1           59m
 ~/g/s/gi/j/eks-cluster/i/t/eks | main !2 ?1  kubectl get svc                       ok | aws kube | 15:19:32 
NAME                           TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
eksapp-externaldns             ClusterIP     <none>        7979/TCP                     59m
eksapp-golang-app              NodePort   <none>        3000:32243/TCP               59m
eksapp-nginx-controller        NodePort   <none>        80:32044/TCP,443:31277/TCP   59m
eksapp-nginx-default-backend   ClusterIP   <none>        80/TCP                       59m
eksapp-postgresql              ClusterIP   <none>        5432/TCP                     59m
eksapp-postgresql-headless     ClusterIP   None             <none>        5432/TCP                     59m
eksapp-python-app              NodePort    <none>        5000:31646/TCP               59m
kubernetes                     ClusterIP       <none>        443/TCP                      64m
 ~/g/s/gi/j/eks-cluster/i/t/eks | main !2 ?1  kubectl get ingress                   ok | aws kube | 15:19:48 
NAME                 CLASS    HOSTS   ADDRESS                                                                       PORTS   AGE
eksapp-elb-ingress   <none>   *       82b8615f-default-eksappelb-9823-1389826350.ap-southeast-2.elb.amazonaws.com   80      60m
eksapp-golang-app    <none>   *                                                                  80      60m
eksapp-python-app    <none>   *                                                                  80      60m
 ~/go/src/github.com/junchil/eks-cluster/infra/terraform/eks | main !2 ?1  kubectl get nodes                                                               ok | aws kube | 15:20:07 
NAME                                              STATUS   ROLES    AGE   VERSION
ip-10-0-228-159.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal   Ready    <none>   61m   v1.20.4-eks-6b7464
ip-10-0-232-67.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   61m   v1.20.4-eks-6b7464
ip-10-0-238-13.ap-southeast-2.compute.internal    Ready    <none>   61m   v1.20.4-eks-6b7464
 ~/g/s/gi/j/eks-cluster/infra/terraform/eks | main !2 ?1  kubectl get storageclass                                                                         ok | aws kube | 15:20:58 
gp2 (default)   kubernetes.io/aws-ebs   Delete          WaitForFirstConsumer   false                  65m


Deploy golang and python apps in EKS cluster (mix EC2 and Fargate), service meshing using Istio, ALB Ingress, Terraform, Helm, golang admission controller, golang kubernetes operator

License:MIT License


Language:Go 39.2%Language:HCL 35.8%Language:Makefile 13.6%Language:Shell 7.7%Language:Dockerfile 2.3%Language:Mustache 1.3%Language:Python 0.1%Language:HTML 0.0%