jumaxotl / docker-typo3

WIP - Docker files for TYPO3 CMS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

TYPO3 Docker

What is this?

Yet another TYPO3 CMS Docker package based upon PHP and Apache. It's simple, understandable and yet fully functional.

Suitable for development and production.

What is included?

  • A minimal production image
  • A development image with
    • Xdebug
    • Mailhog
    • Adminer
    • Node.js (with npm)
  • A TYPO3 CMS "Introduction package" image
  • A simple way to create an image for your custom project


  • Adjust .env file
  • Create base image
  • Create dev image (optional)
  • Create demo or project container

Base images

Base images for running TYPO3 CMS. Needed as base images for demo and project container.


Build and run a minimal production / base image:

docker-compose build

This will create the fnagel/docker-typo3-webserver image.


Build a container with development tools (composer, xdebug, etc.):

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml build

This will create the fnagel/docker-typo3-webserver-dev image.

Demo (Introduction Package)

Create images

Build and run a container with installed and fully functional introduction package:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.demo.yml up --build -d

or with development tools:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.dev.yml -f docker-compose.demo.yml up --build -d

Setup demo

Use the following command to install the introduction package using TYPO3 console:

docker-compose exec webserver bash ./install.sh

Default domain is http://demo.typo3.local

Use with existing projects

Project requirements

  • A GIT repository for your project
  • A composer based TYPO3 project
  • Using /web folder for all public files (using the web-dir directive, see composer.json in /demo folder)

How to integrate with your existing TYPO3 CMS project

  • Clone this repository to .docker sub folder of your project
  • Copy the .env file to your project root folder and change variables as needed
  • Run the following commands:
docker-compose -f .docker/docker-compose.yml -f .docker/docker-compose.project.yml up --build -d

This will:

  • Create production image with web server and database
  • Copy your local files into the container
  • Install your composer dependencies

Copy files:

Use the following command to import more static files to the volume:

docker cp ./web/folder webserver:/var/www/html/

Import database:

Use the following command to import your database:

docker-compose run db bash -c 'mysql -uroot -p"$MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD" -h db $MYSQL_DATABASE' < .docker/project/data/db.sql

Database credentials

Default values for the database connection see MYSQL_* variables in the .env file.

Change PHP version

Change the DOCKER_PHP_TAG variable in the .env file.


  • "Docker Toolbox for Windows"

    • You might need to run @FOR /f "tokens=*" %i IN ('docker-machine env') DO @%i on Windows
    • Increase disk size: docker-machine rm default and docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-disk-size "100000" default This creates a 100 GB disk but erases all exiting data!
  • "Docker for Windows WSL"

  • Clean up on down (unused images and volumes): docker-compose down --rmi local -v

  • Clean up radical (be VERY careful): docker image prune -a

  • Possible errors:

    • ERROR: for xyz Cannot start service xyz: network 12345 not found

      • Use docker-compose up --force-recreate
    • ERROR: could not find an available, non-overlapping IPv4 address pool among the defaults to assign to the network

      • List your networks docker network ls
      • Remove unused networks docker network rm SOME_NETWORK_ID
    • AH00526: Syntax error on line 170 of /etc/apache2/apache2.conf: Multiple <Directory> arguments not (yet) supported.

      • Remove / from beginning of APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT env variable value


  • Document env file issue and workaround

  • Add simple docker.sh file?

  • APACHE_DOCUMENT_ROOT with leading slash will add local Windows path, so we remove the / at the beginning

    • This is the case when using sh files with docker commands in it, e.g. bash docker.sh up
    • Using bash will end up in docker auth error, unsure why
    • Using sh instead of bash as command works but produces the above described error
  • Document ftp usage

  • Sync folder (shared volumes) see sync and remove-symlinks branch -> obsolete due to bad performance


Thanks to @jzaefferer (@sloppyio) for the help getting started with docker!



WIP - Docker files for TYPO3 CMS

License:MIT License


Language:Dockerfile 87.6%Language:Shell 12.4%