julvol / feature-diagram

A MontiCore language for defining feature diagrams and related tooling.

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This documentation is intended for modelers who use the feature diagram languages. The documentation for language engineers using or extending the feature diagram language is located here and the documentation for using or extending the feature configuration language is located here.

Feature Diagram Languages in MontiCore

The models of the feature diagram language (FDL) are called feature diagrams (FDs). Sometimes the term feature model is used interchangeably. An FD describes a software or system family in terms of (user-experienceable) features. FDs are used as variability models in the context of software product lines. Feature configurations (FCs) select features of a feature diagram and specify a product (or variant) of the product lines. This documentation does not provide a general holistic introduction to FDs and their applications, as this is provided by several books (e.g., [CE00], [CN02]) and research papers (e.g., [BSL+13], [KCH+90]).

Instead, the purpose of this documentation is to introduce the textual syntax of the FDL and describe the tools that the FDL provides to process FD models and to perform analyses on the FDs.

Project Structure

  • doc contains slides and images used for the documentation of the language
  • fd-analysis contains several FD analyses and a tool to execute these
  • fd-lang contains the technical realization of the languages
    • The FD language is documented here
    • The FC languages are documented here

Textual Syntax

This section presents two examples for FDs: The phone example gives an overview over the textual syntax while the CarNavigation presents all syntax elements of the language.

Each FD has a name and a body that is surrounded by curly brackets. The body contains rules that define the feature tree. Each rule describes a feature group with a parent feature (left-hand side) followed by an arrow (->) and children features (right-hand side). The root of the feature tree is detected automatically. Further, an FD may define cross-tree constraints and use Java-like expressions to formulate these.

Phone Example

Fig. 1 presents the textual and graphical syntax of an example FD describing a product line of phones. As in Java, each FD can be located in a package to enable a hierarchical name space of feature diagrams. Omitting the package statement defaults to an empty package.

Figure 1: Example for the textual syntax of an FD (left) and its visual representation (right). The bottom demonstrates the syntax of a feature configuration by example.

The content of the FD begins with the keyword featurediagram followed by the FD's name (l. 1) and the FD body, enclosed by curly braces.

The body of an FD contains feature rules that describe either relations between parent and child features (l. 3 and l. 7) or introduce subfeatures through feature groups (l. 5). Further, the feature diagram may contain cross-tree constraints (l. 9). The root feature is determined automatically through the feature rules.

Feature configurations start with the keyword featureconfig followed by an optional name of the feature configuration. Afterward, the feature configuration has to indicate, which FD it belongs to. This begins with the keyword for, followed by the (qualified) name of the FD. The body of the feature configuration, enclosed in curly braces, contains a comma-separated list of selected feature names. Please note that this syntax for feature configurations does not distinguish between features that are not selected (yet) and features, which are "unselected". To this end, a different feature configuration language has to be employed, e.g., to model step-wise configuration of FDs.

CarNavigation Example
/* (c) https://github.com/MontiCore/monticore */
featurediagram CarNavigation {

  CarNavigation -> Display & GPS & PreinstalledMaps? & Memory ; //and group

  CarNavigation -> VoiceControl ^ TouchControl; //xor group

  Memory -> Small ^ Medium ^ Large ;

  Display -> SmallScreen | LargeScreen; //or group

  PreinstalledMaps -> [1..3] of {Europe, NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Asia, Africa}; //cardinality group

  TouchControl requires LargeScreen ;

  SmallScreen  excludes TouchControl ;

  (Europe && NorthAmerica && Asia) requires (Large || Medium) ;


The listing above presents the FD CarNavigation with the root feature also named CarNavigation. This feature has three mandatory subfeatures Display, GPS, and Memory. Further, it has the optional subfeature PreinstalledMaps, indicated by the question mark in the and group. Besides these four subfeatures, CarNavigation has two further subfeatures VoiceControl and TouchControlthat are in an xor group, which means that each configuration must contain exactly one of these two features. Groups can have arbitrary members. For instance, Memory has three subfeatures Small, Medium, and Large that are in a common xor group. The Display of the navigation must have either a SmallScreen behin the steering wheel or a LargeScreen (e.g., in the center of the dashobard), or both. This is realized as an or group in the FD. Further, the navigation system can have preinstalled maps. If maps are preinstalled, at least one and at most three region maps can be selected. The available regions are Europe, NorthAmerica, SouthAmerica, Asia, and Africa.

The FD further contains three cross-tree constraints. Selecting TouchControl in a configuration requires also to select LargeScreen for this configuration. On the other hand, selecting SmallScreen in a configuration prohibits selecting TouchControl in the same configuration as well. Apart from these constraints between two features, FDs may contain more complex constraints that involve more than two features. In the example FD below, selecting all three preinstalled maps Europe, NorthAmerica, and Asia requires to select either a Large or a Medium memory.

Tool Download

Alternatively, the tools can be built from source code.

Build the Tools

This section explains how to build and set up the command line interface tools for the FD languages from the source code of the tools. Alternatively, the tools can be downloaded. Each tool is contained in a separate jar file, which is produced as result of building the project with gradle. The following explains this.


To build the project, it is required to install a Java 8 JDK and git.

Step 1: Clone Project with git
git clone <link to this Git repository>
cd feature-diagram
Step 2: Build Project with gradle
gradle build --refresh-dependencies

Afterwards, the jars of the tools are available in fd-lang/target/libs and fd-analysis/target/libs.

Tool Documentation

The FDL component provides the five tools that are explained in more detail below:

The Feature Model Analysis CLI Tool (FACT) coordinates the execution of one or more several analyses against a FD and, optionally, additional information (depends on the analysis kinds) in form of a CLI tool. An overview of the different analyses is given by [BSRC10].

FACT can be used as follows: java -jar FACT.jar <Car.fd> [-<analysis>]+, where

  • <Car.fd> is the (optionally, qualified) fileName of an FD "Car"
  • <analysis> is the name of an analysis followed by arguments for the analysis that depend on the type of analysis.

Currently, the FeatureModelAnalysisCLITool supports the following analyses:

  • isValid <Basic.fc>, to check whether a passed configuration "Basic" is valid w.r.t the FD
  • allProducts, to find all valid configurations of the FD
  • deadFeatures, to find all features of FD that are not included in any valid configuration of FD
  • falseOptional, to find all optional features of FD that are included in every valid vonfiguration of FD
  • completeToValid <Basic.fc>, to complete the passed configuration "Basic" to a valid configuration, if this is possible
  • findValid, to find any valid configuration of FD
  • isVoidFeatureModel, to check whether there is at least one valid configuration of FD
  • numberOfProducts, to count the number of valid configurations of FD
  • semdiff <semantics>, to compute a diff witness contained in the semantic difference from an FD to another FD using the semantics as specified by the argument <semantics>. Possible values for the argument are open and closed where open is chosen by default if no argument is specified. The differences between the open- and closed-world semantics are described in this paper in detail.

For example, java -jar FACT.jar Car.fd -isValid Basic.fc checks whether a configuration "Basic" is a valid configuration of the FD "Car". The result, in this case true or false, is printed to the console. Currently, semdiff is the only option that expects two FDs as inputs. For example, java -jar FACT.jar Car1.fd Car2.fd -semdiff open computes and outputs a diff witness contained in the open-world semantic difference from Car1.fd to Car2.fd if at least one exists. Otherwise, the tool outputs that Car1.fd is a refinement of Car2.fd.

FACT can further be used for direct access from Java through the following methods:

  • boolean execIsValid(ASTFeatureDiagram fd, ASTFeatureConfiguration fc), to execute the is valid analysis
  • List<ASTFeatureConfiguration> execAllProducts(ASTFeatureDiagram fd), to execute the all products analysis
  • List<String> execDeadFeature(ASTFeatureDiagram fd), to execute the dead features analysis
  • List<String> execFalseOptional(ASTFeatureDiagram fd), to execute the false optional features analysis
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration execCompleteToValid(ASTFeatureDiagram fd, ASTFeatureConfiguration fc), to execute the filter analysis
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration execFindValid(ASTFeatureDiagram fd), to execute the find valid product analysis
  • boolean execIsVoidFeatureModel(ASTFeatureDiagram fd), to execute the is void analysis
  • int execNumberOfProducts(ASTFeatureDiagram fd), to execute the number of products analysis
  • ASTFeatureDiagram readFeatureDiagram(String modelFile, String symbolOutPath, MCPath symbolInputPath), to read in a feature diagram model
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration readFeatureConfiguration(String modelFile, MCPath symbolInputPath), to read in a feature configuration model


FACT tool = new FACT();
MCPath mp = new MCPath();

ASTFeatureDiagram fd = tool.readFeatureDiagram("src/test/resources/fdvalid/CarNavigation.fd", "target", mp);
ASTFeatureConfiguration fc = tool.readFeatureConfiguration("src/test/resources/Basic.fc", mp);
boolean result = tool.execIsValid(fd, fc);

  System.out.println("Is valid!");
  System.out.println("Is invalid!");

The FeatureDiagramCLI offers both CLI and a Java API for processing FeatureDiagram models. It provides through the CLI as follows:

java -jar FeatureDiagramCLI.jar [-h] -i <fileName> [-o <outPath>] [-path <p>] [-pp [<file>]] [-s [<file>]]

where the arguments are:

  • -h,--help Prints this help dialog
  • -i,--input <fileName> Reads the (mandatory) source file resp. the contents of the model
  • -o,--output <outPath> Path of generated files
  • -path <p> Sets the artifact pathlist for imported symbols. The pathlist is separated by whitespace.
  • -pp,--prettyprint [<file>] Prettyprints the model to stdout or a specified output file
  • -s,--symboltable [<file>] Serializes and prints the symbol table either to stdout or to a specified output file

For using the tool as Java API, it contains the following methods:

  • ASTFDCompilationUnit parse(String modelFile) processes the model at the passed path and produces an AST
  • IFeatureDiagramArtifactScope createSymbolTable(String modelFile, MCPath mp) parses the model at the passed path and instantiates the symbol table using passed mcpath entries for finding imported FDs
  • IFeatureDiagramArtifactScope createSymbolTable(ASTFDCompilationUnit ast, MCPath mp) instantiates the symbol table using the passed AST as basis and the passed mcpath entries for finding imported FDs
  • void checkCoCos(ASTFDCompilationUnit ast) checks all context conditions of the FDL against the passed AST
  • String storeSymbols(IFeatureDiagramArtifactScope scope, String fileName) stores the symbol table for the passed artifact scope in a file with the passed fileName. If the file exists, it is overridden. Otherwise, a new file is created.
  • String storeSymbols(IFeatureDiagramArtifactScope scope, Path out) stores the symbol table for the passed artifact scope in a file with the usual name, package, and fileEnding at the passed 'out' location. If the file exists, it is overridden. Otherwise, a new file is created.
  • ASTFeatureDiagram run(String modelFile, Path out, MCPath mp) parses the passed modelFile, creates the symbol table, checks the context conditions, and then stores the symbol table at the passed location.
  • ASTFeatureDiagram run(String modelFile, MCPath mp) parses the passed modelFile, creates the symbol table, checks the context conditions, and then stores the symbol table.
  • ASTFeatureDiagram run(String modelFile) parses the passed modelFile, creates the symbol table, checks the context conditions, and stores symbol table - all without an explicit mcpath. Care: this can only take into account imported FDs if these are located next to the passed FD modelFile.

The FeatureConfigurationCLI offers both CLI and a Java API for processing FeatureConfiguration models. It provides through the CLI as follows:

java -jar FeatureConfigurationCLI.jar [-h] -i <fileName> [-o <outPath>] [-path <p>] [-pp [<file>]] [-s [<file>]]

where the arguments are:

  • -h,--help Prints this help dialog
  • -i,--input <fileName> Reads the (mandatory) source file resp. the contents of the model
  • -o,--output <outPath> Path of generated files
  • -path <p> Sets the artifact pathlist for imported symbols. The pathlist is separated by whitespace.
  • -pp,--prettyprint [<file>] Prettyprints the model to stdout or a specified output file
  • -s,--symboltable [<file>] Serializes and prints the symbol table either to stdout or to a specified output file

For using the tool as Java API, it contains the following methods:

  • ASTFCCompilationUnit parse(String modelFile) processes the model at the passed path and produces an AST
  • IFeatureConfigurationArtifactScope createSymbolTable(String modelFile, MCPath mp) parses the model at the passed path and instantiates the symbol table using passed mcpath entries for finding FDs
  • IFeatureConfigurationArtifactScope createSymbolTable(ASTFCCompilationUnit ast, MCPath mp) instantiates the symbol table using the passed AST as basis and the passed mcpath entries for finding FDs
  • String storeSymbols(IFeatureConfigurationArtifactScope scope, String fileName) stores the symbol table for the passed artifact scope in a file with the passed fileName. If the file exists, it is overridden. Otherwise, a new file is created.
  • String storeSymbols(IFeatureConfigurationArtifactScope scope, Path out) stores the symbol table for the passed artifact scope in a file with the usual name, package, and fileEnding at the passed 'out' location. If the file exists, it is overridden. Otherwise, a new file is created.
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration run(String modelFile, MCPath mp) parses the passed modelFile and creates the symbol table. Through this, conformance to the feature model is checked as well.
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration run(String modelFile) parses the passed modelFile and creates the symbol table. Through this, conformance to the feature model is checked as well - all without an explicit mcpath. Care: this can only take into account FDs if these are located next to the passed FC modelFile.

The FeatureConfigurationPartialCLI offers both CLI and a Java API for processing PartialFeatureConfiguration models. It provides through the CLI as follows:

java -jar FeatureConfigurationPartialCLI.jar [-h] -i <fileName> [-o <outPath>] [-path <p>] [-pp [<file>]] [-s [<file>]]

where the arguments are:

  • -h,--help Prints this help dialog
  • -i,--input <fileName> Reads the (mandatory) source file resp. the contents of the model
  • -o,--output <outPath> Path of generated files
  • -path <p> Sets the artifact pathlist for imported symbols. The pathlist is separated by whitespace.
  • -pp,--prettyprint [<file>] Prettyprints the model to stdout or a the specified output file
  • -s,--symboltable [<file>] Serializes and prints the symbol table either to stdout or to a specified output file

For using the tool as Java API, it contains the following methods:

  • ASTFCCompilationUnit parse(String modelFile) processes the model at the passed path and produces an AST
  • IFeatureConfigurationPartialArtifactScope createSymbolTable(String modelFile, MCPath mp) parses the model at the passed path and instantiates the symbol table using passed mcpath entries for finding FDs
  • IFeatureConfigurationPartialArtifactScope createSymbolTable(ASTFCCompilationUnit ast, MCPath mp) instantiates the symbol table using the passed AST as basis and the passed mcpath entries for finding FDs
  • void checkCoCos(ASTFCCompilationUnit ast) checks all context conditions of the partial FC language against the passed AST
  • String storeSymbols(IFeatureConfigurationPartialArtifactScope scope, String fileName) stores the symbol table for the passed artifact scope in a file with the passed fileName. If the file exists, it is overridden. Otherwise, a new file is created.
  • String storeSymbols(IFeatureConfigurationPartialArtifactScope scope, Path out) stores the symbol table for the passed artifact scope in a file with the usual name, package, and fileEnding at the passed 'out' location. If the file exists, it is overridden. Otherwise, a new file is created.
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration run(String modelFile, MCPath mp) parses the passed modelFile and creates the symbol table. Through this, conformance to the feature model is checked as well.
  • ASTFeatureConfiguration run(String modelFile) parses the passed modelFile and creates the symbol table. Through this, conformance to the feature model is checked as well - all without an explicit mcpath. Care: this can only take into account FDs if these are located next to the passed modelFile.

The Semantic Differencing for Feature Diagrams Tool offers a Java API to perform semantic differencing between two feature diagrams. The semantics of a feature diagram are the set of all of its valid feature configurations. The semantic difference between two feature diagram is therefore the set of feature configurations, that are valid in the first but invalid in the second feature diagram. The Java API offers a class to calculate the semantic difference witness, given two parsed feature diagrams. Simply invoke the semDiff method of the FDSemDiff class provided here.

Tool Usage Examples

This section provides some copy and paste templates for executing the resulting tools against some test models that are contained in the language project. This is a good basis for getting familiar with the tools while experimenting with changes to the models. The tools are explained here and the languages are documented there.

Print tool argument options

(1) Print argument options of the FACT tool:

java -jar fd-analysis/target/libs/FACT.jar -h

(2) Print argument options of the FD tool:

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureDiagramCLI.jar -h

(3) Print argument options of the FC tool:

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureConfigurationCLI.jar -h

(4) Print argument options of the PartialFC tool:

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureConfigurationPartialCLI.jar -h

Process A Single Model

(5) Parse an FD model and store its symbol table to a file CarNavigation.fdsym (in the default output directory target):

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureDiagramCLI.jar \
    -i fd-lang/src/test/resources/fdvalid/CarNavigation.fd \
    -s fdvalid/CarNavigation.fdsym

(6) Parse an FD model and store its symbol table to a file in the non-default output directory target/symbols:

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureDiagramCLI.jar \
    -i fd-lang/src/test/resources/fdvalid/BasicElements.fd \
    -o target/symbols \
    -s fdvalid/BasicElements.fdsym

(7) Parse an FC model and print its symbol table, where the used feature diagram is loaded from the stored symbol table (requires executing (5) first to store the symbol table of the FD model):

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureConfigurationCLI.jar \
    -i fd-lang/src/test/resources/fcvalid/BasicCarNavigation.fc \
    -path target \

(8) Parse and then pretty print a Partial FC model (requires executing (6) first to store the symbol table of the FD model):

java -jar fd-lang/target/libs/FeatureConfigurationPartialCLI.jar \
    -i fd-lang/src/test/resources/pfcvalid/SelectOne.fc \
    -path target/symbols \

Perform Feature Analyses

(9) Check whether an FC is valid:

java -jar fd-analysis/target/libs/FACT.jar \
    fd-analysis/src/test/resources/FalseOptional.fd \
    -isValid fd-analysis/src/test/resources/ValidConfig.fc

(10) Return any valid configuration of an FD:

java -jar fd-analysis/target/libs/FACT.jar \
    fd-analysis/src/test/resources/fdvalid/CarNavigation.fd \

(11) Calculate semantic difference between two FDs:

java -jar fd-analysis/target/libs/FACT.jar \
    fd-analysis/src/test/resources/fddiff/car2.fd \
    fd-analysis/src/test/resources/fddiff/car1.fd \

Further Information


A MontiCore language for defining feature diagrams and related tooling.


Language:Java 99.8%Language:Shell 0.2%