juliolmuller / ufpr-freecell

FreeCell game structured in JavaScript language to apply academic knowledge for stack data structure, without use of arrays directly.

Home Page:https://juliolmuller.github.io/ufpr-freecell

Repository from Github https://github.comjuliolmuller/ufpr-freecellRepository from Github https://github.comjuliolmuller/ufpr-freecell

♣️ ♥️ Freecell.JS ♠️ ♦️

Lessons Learned   |    Technologies   |    Environment Setup   |    Features

Creation Date Update Date Latest Version Pull Requests Welcome Project License

Freecell JS screenshot

A simple Freecell Solitaire card game developed using the good-old AngularJS in order to demonstrate a custom stack data structure using JavaScript, besides having some fun. The process was initially proposed as a college assignment, but still maintained by me and open to Pull Requests.

Check out the application running!

🏆 Lessons Learned

  • Creating a simple AngularJS application;
  • Implementing C-like stack structure in JavaScript syntax;
  • Creating JavaScript classes;
  • Configure Webpack 5;

🚀 Technologies & Resources



  • Visual Studio Code
  • Node.js routines

🔨 Setting up the Environment

Make sure to have Node.js 10+ installed in your machine and its npm available in the command line, then use the following routines:

$ npm install     # Download dependencies
$ npm start       # Run development server
$ npm run build   # Build files for production

⚡ Features Implementations

  • Single-player game;
  • Good-looking interface;
  • Easter-Egg included;
  • Keyboard navigation;
  • Sound effects;


FreeCell game structured in JavaScript language to apply academic knowledge for stack data structure, without use of arrays directly.


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 67.7%Language:HTML 22.8%Language:CSS 9.4%