julioct / azure-pipelines-kubernetes-agents

Helm chart to deploy Azure Pipelines agents as containers to an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This repo provides a Helm chart to deploy Azure Pipelines agents as containers to an Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. A Dockerfile for the Azure Pipelines agent is also provided as well as guidance on how to create the AKS cluster.


Create an Azure DevOps personal access token (PAT)

Create a personal access token with the Agent Pools(read, manage) scope following these instructions. You will have to provide later this token to the azpToken value of the helm chart.

Create an Azure Pipelines agent pool

Create a new agent pool foolowing these instructions. Your azure pipelines agents will join this pool later on.

Customize, build and publish the docker image

The Dockerfile available at dockeragent\ubuntu\16.04\ contains the basic tools needed to run the Azure Pipelines agent on Linux (as documented here) but feel free to customize it with any aditional tools you might need. Then, you will build and publish the image to Docker Hub (if you don't have a Docker ID you can create one for free here).

Run the following commands in a command prompt to build and publish your image, replacing yourdockerid with your Docker ID:

docker build -t yourdockerid/azpagent:ubuntu-16.04 ./dockeragent/ubuntu/16.04
docker login
docker push yourdockerid/azpagent:ubuntu-16.04

You could also publish your image to a private docker registry like Azure Container Registry but you'll need to update the helm chart to pass the appropriate image pull secret.

Create the AKS cluster

Run the following Azure CLI commands in a command prompt replacing <Azure subscription name>, <resource group name>, <resource group location> and <cluster name> with appropriate values for your subscription, resource group, location and kubernetes cluster:

az login
az account set --subscription <Azure subscription name>
az group create --name <resource group name> --location <resource group location>
az aks create -g <resource group name> -n <cluster name> --generate-ssh-keys

Chart parameters

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the azp-agent chart and their default values.

Parameter Description Default
image.repository azp-agent image nil (must be provided during installation)
image.tag Specify image tag nil (must be provided during installation)
image.pullSecrets Specify image pull secrets nil (does not add image pull secrets to deployed pods)
image.pullPolicy Image pull policy Always
replicas Number of azp-agent instaces started 3
resources.disk Size of the disk attached to the agent 50Gi
resources.storageclass Specify storageclass used in kubernetes default
resources.requests CPU/Memory requests nil
resources.limits CPU/Memory limits nil
azpUrl The URL of the Azure DevOps instance nil (must be provided during installation)
azpToken Azure DevOps personal access token nil (must be provided during installation)
azpPool Azure Pipelines agent pool name nil (must be provided during installation)
azpAgentName Azure Pipelines agent name azp-agent
azpWorkspace Azure Pipelines agent workspace /workspace
extraEnv Extra environment variables on the azp-agent container nil
cleanRun Kill and restart azp-agent container on completion of a pipeline run (completely resets the environment) true
volumes An array of custom volumes to attach to the azp-agent pod nil
volumeMounts volumeMounts to the azp-agent container as referenced in volumes nil
nodeSelector assign pods to nodes based on this label nil

Installing the chart

The chart can be installed with the following command:

helm install --set image.repository=<IMAGE REPO> --set image.tag:<IMAGE TAG> --set azpToken=<AZP TOKEN> --set azpUrl=<AZP URL> --set azpPool=<AZP POOL> -f helm-chart\azp-agent\values.yaml helm-chart\azp-agent azp-agent helm-chart\azp-agent


helm install --set image.repository=julioc/azpagent --set image.tag=ubuntu-16.04 --set azpToken=<TOKEN HERE> --set azpUrl=https://dev.azure.com/julioc --set azpPool=MyPool -f helm-chart\azp-agent\values.yaml azp-agent helm-chart\azp-agent

It may take some time to stand up the pods but eventually your deployment should look like this:

kubectl get pods
azp-agent-0   1/1       Running   0          1m
azp-agent-1   1/1       Running   0          1m
azp-agent-2   1/1       Running   0          1m

Scaling up the number of agents

You can scale up (or down) the number of pipeline agents by either using kubectl scale:

kubectl scale statefulset/azp-agent --replicas 10

Or by running a helm upgrade with the replicas parameter:

helm upgrade --install --set image.repository=julioc/azpagent --set image.tag=ubuntu-16.04 --set azpToken=<TOKEN HERE> --set azpUrl=https://dev.azure.com/julioc --set azpPool=MyPool --set replicas=10 -f helm-chart\azp-agent\values.yaml azp-agent helm-chart\azp-agent


Helm chart to deploy Azure Pipelines agents as containers to an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster

License:MIT License


Language:Shell 79.2%Language:Dockerfile 20.8%