juliataitz / hs-sinatra-organizer

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

tags languages level type
command-line, bash, kids

Organize Your Sinatra Template


You just began your job as Web Developer, but the company is not very good at organizing their files. Somehow all files ended up in the wrong folders! It's your job to move through their directory structure and put the files in their right place for a proper Sinatra application (we will learn more about Sinatra later). The files have been named really well, so figuring out their correct location shouldn't be too tricky. (If you are having difficulty with this, look at what a the file structure for a proper Sinatra application should look like look at the assignment 'hs-sinatra-project-template')

.rb files go in the models folder

'.erb' files go in the views folder

.png and .jpg files go in the images folder within public

.css files go in the css folder within public

Because you're a legit programmer, you know the most efficient way is to navigate the directories on the command line. Use your bash command line skills to move the photos into their correct folders!

As a refresher, here's a list of commands to help you with this task:

pwd print working directory - shows you where you are

cd .. change your current directory to the parent (one above it)

ls list all files and directories

mv move a file

Remember, it's always helpful to know where you are in your directory tree in relation to where you want to go. Keep that in mind as you write out your command-line paths!

Get the files and set up

Go to the GitHub link at the top of the page and click on the "Download Zip" button on the bottom-right side of the screen. Once you've downloaded the file, double click it to unzip the file, and then drag the unzipped file (called 'hs-sinatra-organizer') to your desktop.

Open your terminal and cd into desktop using cd Desktop and then cd into the file by typing cd hs-sinatra-organizer.

From here, run bundle install in your terminal. This is going to load the gems in the Gemfile. You don't need to worry about this right now. You'll learn about gems later in the course.

Did you get an error message?

No prob. Try typing sudo bundle install. It will prompt you for your computer's admin password. If this goes through, continue to the next section of this README. If you still get an error, try typing sudo gem install bundler. If it prompts you, enter your password. This may take a while, as it has to connect to the internet and download it. Once that's finished, and you have your normal prompt, do the bundle install command.

Get working!

From the hs-sinatra-organizer directory, run ruby test.rb to check your progress! test.rb contains code that will check your placement of the files to see if they are in the right place or not. This file will also print the result to the terminal screen, so you can keep track of which files you've organized correctly.

##DO NOT MOVE THE 'test.rb'

Use the commands we've learned to move the animals to their right places. If everything prints green, you've successfully organized all the files!



Language:Ruby 100.0%