julianobrasil / w-ng5

WebComponents to acelerate dev web Angular 5.x

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w-ng5 accelerator web components

Angular Generic Filters to *ngFor


Filter records of your listings with simple strings using a single field or multiple fields on plan objects. Filter also by using fields in non-plan structured objects by observing one or more attributes or sub-attributes of these objects by browsing their OGNL properties.


Details about this project and user tutorial

Composition package

  • Generic Filter for using in directives ngFor

How to install and configure

For use this components, before, install this package with npm:

npm install w-ng5 --save

After, import module in app.module

import { PipesModule } from 'w-ng5';

In the next step, add in declare section of app.module:

imports: [

And, enjoy....

Sample use

Filtering simple string

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="filtroString">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getStrings() | filter:filtroString">

Filtering complex string - field 'Value' in level 2

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.n2.valor2', value: search}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering complex string - middle field - 'Value' in level 1

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search3">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.valor1', value: search3}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering complex array simple - field 'Nome' level 0

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search2">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'nome', value: search2}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering in tree fields - field 'Valor' in level 2 or 'Valor' in level 1 or 'Nome' in level 0

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search5">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.n2.valor2', value: search5}, {field:'n1.valor1', value: search5}, {field:'nome', value: search5}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering nonexistent field - 'Valor' in nonexistent level 3

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search4">
  <li *ngFor="let s of getComplexTypesExtends() | filter:[{field:'n1.n2.n3.valor3', value: search4}]">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

Filtering using inject FilterPipe in constructor of component

TypeScript method:

Define a provider:

// Import component to use in this code
import { FilterPipe } from 'w-ng5';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.css'],
  providers: [FilterPipe]

If your prefer, import component in the provider section of app.module

Then import the pipe into the component constructor ...

constructor(private pipe: FilterPipe) {}

And, create a method 'dataSource(param)' that will return a array of data to view

public dataSource(textFilter) {
  const r = this.pipe.transform(this.getComplexTypesExtends(),
                               [{field: 'n1.n2.valor2', value: textFilter}]);
  return r;

... after, using this method 'dataSource(param)' on ngFor directive in the template html:

<input type="text"  [(ngModel)]="search5">
  <li *ngFor="let s of dataSource(search5)">
    {{s.nome}} - {{s.idade}} - {{s.n1.valor1}} - {{s.n1.n2.valor2}}

This component work with infinite attribute level...

Project info - source code

This project is stored in WNg5 and was generated with Angular CLI version 1.6.6.


WebComponents to acelerate dev web Angular 5.x


Language:TypeScript 71.6%Language:HTML 16.8%Language:JavaScript 11.1%Language:CSS 0.5%