jules203 / shopcarts

The shopcarts resource allows customers to make a collection of products that they want to purchase

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status codecov

The shopcarts resource allows customers to make a collection of products that they want to purchase

Run The Service

Online demo

IBM Cloud Foundry App for this project can be accessed at here.

Development Mode

To run the service in development mode, please use:

FLASK_APP=service FLASK_ENV=development flask run -h -p 5000

Production Mode

The project uses honcho which gets it's commands from the Procfile. To start the service in production mode, simply use:

honcho start

models for shopcarts



Name Type Purpose
id int Primary key for the table
user_id int User id whose shopcart this is
create_time datetime Time when shopcart was created
update_time datetime Time when shopcart was last modified

ShopcartItem - Contains product information for an item in a shopcart


Name Type Purpose
id int Primary key for the table
sid int Shopcart id in which the item is present
sku int Product/Item id
name string Name of product/item
price float Price of the product/item
amount int Count of the item in the shopcart
create_time datetime Time when item was added to the shopcart
update_time datetime Time when the item in the shopcart was last modified

Manually running the Tests

Run the tests using nose

    $ nosetests

Nose is configured via the included setup.cfg file to automatically include the flags --with-spec --spec-color so that red-green-refactor is meaningful. If you are in a command shell that supports colors, passing tests will be green while failing tests will be red.

Nose is also configured to automatically run the coverage tool and you should see a percentage of coverage report at the end of your tests. If you want to see what lines of code were not tested use:

    $ coverage report -m

This is particularly useful because it reports the line numbers for the code that is not covered so that you can write more test cases to get higher code coverage.

You can also manually run nosetests with coverage (but setup.cfg does this already)

    $ nosetests --with-coverage --cover-package=service

Logging Services

Logging is set up to track events.


URL HTTP method Description
/shopcarts GET Get a shopcart list
/shopcarts POST Create a shopcart
/shopcarts/<:id> DELETE Delete a shopcart
/shopcarts/<:id>/items GET Get item list from a shopcart
/shopcarts/<:id>/items POST Create a shopcart item
/shopcarts/<:id>/items/<item_id> PUT Update a shopcart item
/shopcarts/<:id>/items/<item_id> DELETE Delete a shopcart item
/shopcarts/<:id>/items/<item_id> GET Gets a shopcart item
/shopcarts/items GET Get all shopcart items
/shopcarts/<:id>/place-order PUT Place an order

Creating a Shopcart or Shopcart Item

A shopcart can be created with a POST request on '/shopcarts' with, for example, the required conent including the following parameters:

    "id": null,
    "user_id": 101,
    "create_time": null,
    "update_time": null

A shopcart item can be created with a POST request on /shopcarts/:id/items' with required parameters:

    "id": null,
    "sid": 100,
    "sku": 5000,
    "name": "soap",
    "price": 2.23,
    "amount": 3,
    "create_time": null,
    "update_time": null

On success the response code is 201 and the newly created shopcart or shopcart item will be contained in the response in JSON format. The location header of the response will contain the id of the newly created shopcart, for example /shopcarts/1, or for a shopcart item, /shopcartitems/1.

Getting the items in a shopcart

To get the list of items in a shopcart, you can hit a GET request with the id of the shopcart you are looking for.

curl --location --request GET ''

The response will be something like this if

  1. There are items in the shopcart - status code 200
        "amount": 1,
        "create_time": "2020-10-18T17:21:44.626229",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "hello",
        "price": 100.0,
        "sid": 10,
        "sku": 10,
        "update_time": "2020-10-18T17:21:44.626229"
        "amount": 1,
        "create_time": "2020-10-18T17:22:06.844597",
        "id": 2,
        "name": "hello2",
        "price": 100.0,
        "sid": 10,
        "sku": 20,
        "update_time": "2020-10-18T17:22:06.844597"
        "amount": 1,
        "create_time": "2020-10-18T17:22:14.123710",
        "id": 3,
        "name": "hello3",
        "price": 100.0,
        "sid": 10,
        "sku": 30,
        "update_time": "2020-10-18T17:22:14.123710"
  1. If the shopcart is empty or shopcart is not found status code 404

Getting Shopcart list

A shopcart list can be got with a GET request on '/shopcarts'. The response will be something like

        "create_time": "2020-10-17T04:17:28.593445",
        "id": 1,
        "update_time": "2020-10-17T04:17:28.593445",
        "user_id": 435345
        "create_time": "2020-10-17T04:17:29.696271",
        "id": 2,
        "update_time": "2020-10-17T04:17:29.696271",
        "user_id": 435345
        "create_time": "2020-10-17T04:17:30.522651",
        "id": 3,
        "update_time": "2020-10-17T04:17:30.522651",
        "user_id": 435345

Updating a Shopcart Item

A shopcart item can be updated with a PUT request on '/shopcarts/:id/items/:item_id'.

When an authorized user hits a PUT request on '/shopcartitems', the API will return the updated shopcart item with a status code 200. The content for the PUT request would something like this:

    "amount": 4,

The response will contain the full shopcart item.

Querying Shopcarts

A shopcart can be queried by user with a GET request on /shopcarts with the user_id set in the query string of the request, for example, /shopcarts?user_id=100 The response will be the shopcart for that user, or 404 if a shopcart does not exist for that user.

Shopcart items can be queried by sku, name, price, or amount with a GET request on /shopcarts/items with the appropriate field indicated in the query of the request, for example, /shopcarts/items?sku=1000 The response will be a list of shopcart items where the indicated field has the desired value, or 404 if no shopcart items contain a field with that value.


Delete a Shopcart

To delete a shopcart and everything in it, make a DELETE request to /shopcarts/:id.

Delete a Shopcart Item

To delete a shopcart item, make a DELETE request to /shopcarts/:id/items/:item_id.

Place an order from a Shopcart

To place an order, make a PUT request to /shopcarts/:id/place-order. The shopcart will be deleted after the order is placed.


The shopcarts resource allows customers to make a collection of products that they want to purchase

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 100.0%