juleast / GeneratePIF

A simple bash script to generate fingerprints to use with the Play Integrity Fix module.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Automatic script for PIF config generation

*Please read all instructions carefully before asking any questions!

What is this?

  • An all in one script that has functions to clone the repo of a device from tadi's phone dump and also generate a fingerprint compatible with Play Integrity Fix Modules v15 and up.
  • The property FORCE_BASIC_ATTESTATION is only supported by module versions v15.x.
    • If you wish to still use older PIF modules with the generated files, just remove the property in the JSON file.

How to use this?

  • You first need to clone the repo and navigate to it:
    git clone https://github.com/juleast/GeneratePIF.git
    # Navigate to the cloned directory
    cd GeneratePIF
  • Then follow the instructions in the later sections or refer to help menu.
  • You need to copy a device repo from tadi's device dump here and paste it when prompted when running in manual or short mode.

Termux Users

  • For those who want to use the Termux app to run these scripts on your phone, make sure you have the latest F-Droid release. Get it here.
  • Make sure you allow superuser access to Termux.
    • This does not mean you should be running the tool in su!
    • As long as you have allowed superuser access, the tool will do the rest.
  • In order to run the script properly on Termux, git needs to be properly installed:
    • First update the package mirrors then install git:
      pkg update
      pkg install git
  • If everything was updated and installed correctly, you can proceed to the main instructions as normal.

The Structure

$ start -h
Usage: start [-m option] or [-s] or [-f file]
 -m [clone, pif]     Manual generation. Select running one functionality at a time.
                     Use the 'clone' option to only clone a repo.
                     Use the 'pif' option to only generate a fingerprint json manually.

 -s                  Short version. Run the script with less hassle. Just have the repo
                     link ready in your clipboard.

 -f [file-path]      For bulk generation. It requires a text file with a list of device
                     repo links separated by newlines.

 -h                  Prints this screen.
  • If you need an understanding of how this tool works, see here.
  • Setup:

    • Before running the tool, the start alias needs to be set to not make redundant ./ calls for running the tool.
      • Run setup.sh before using the tool. The setup script also makes sure that start is executable.
      • Make setup.sh executable and source it so that you can use the alias variable set inside the script.
        # Make setup script exectuable first
        chmod +x setup.sh
        # Run the setup
        source setup.sh
  • Manual Mode:

    • Use the -m flag with options to run only part of the script.
    • start -m clone to use only the repo clone function
      • You will need to supply a repo link when prompted.
    • start -m pif to generate a pif.json file manually
      • In this mode, you will have to select the directory manually.
      • After generation, manually copy the file either from terminal or using adb depending on your terminal environment.
        # From android terminal environment
        su -c cp device_folder/pif.json /data/adb/
        # From adb
        adb push device_folder/pif.json /data/adb/
  • Short mode:

    • Use the -s flag to run short mode
    • This mode is semi-automatic. It still prompts for a repo link but JSON file is generated without further interaction.
    • Additionally, if the script detects it is running in an Android environment, it will take a backup of any current pif.json file inside /data/adb/ and then copy the generated pif.json file to /data/adb.
    • You then need to manually kill GMS service to test your fingerprint with:
      su -c killall com.google.android.gms.unstable
  • Bulk generation:

    • Use the -f flag to use bulk generation with supplied file.
    • Run the command as, start -f repo_list.txt
    • The above command requires a text file to be supplied as argument after the -f flag.
    • Example of repo_list.txt

For manual generation

If you would like to take on the tedious task of finding each prop value and then copying it to your json file, here is a list of prop names that each json config property corresponds to:

    • ro.product.name
    • ro.product.system.name
    • ro.product.product.name
    • ro.product.vendor.name
    • ro.product.device
    • ro.product.system.device
    • ro.product.product.device
    • ro.product.vendor.device
    • ro.product.manufacturer
    • ro.product.system.manufacturer
    • ro.product.product.manufacturer
    • ro.product.vendor.manufacturer
  • BRAND:
    • ro.product.brand
    • ro.product.system.brand
    • ro.product.product.brand
    • ro.product.vendor.brand
  • MODEL:
    • ro.product.model
    • ro.product.system.model
    • ro.product.product.model
    • ro.product.vendor.model
    • ro.build.fingerprint
    • ro.system.build.fingerprint
    • ro.product.build.fingerprint
    • ro.product.vendor.fingerprint
  • FIRST_API_LEVEL (The first two items are what are looked for. If not found, try finding the fallback values):
    • ro.board.first_api_level
    • ro.board.api_level
    • Fallback values:
      • ro.build.version.sdk
      • ro.system.build.version.sdk
      • ro.build.version.sd
      • ro.system.build.version.sd
      • ro.vendor.build.version.sdk
      • ro.product.build.version.sdk
    • This property only works with V15.0 or later versions of PIF module.
    • This property should only be added when the API level is greater than Nougat (25).
    • ie. if FIRST_API_LEVEL=27 add FORCE_BASIC_ATTESTATION=true as last property of JSON file.

Then save your file like this:

File format

  "PRODUCT": "taimen",
  "DEVICE": "taimen",
  "MANUFACTURER": "Google",
  "BRAND": "google",
  "MODEL": "Pixel 2 XL",
  "FINGERPRINT": "google/taimen/taimen:8.1.0/OPM4.171019.021.R1/4833808:user/release-keys",
  "SECURITY_PATCH": "2018-07-05",
  "FIRST_API_LEVEL": "26",
  "FORCE_BASIC_ATTESTATION": true // Only for newer PIF modules

*Above fingerprint is already banned and is only an example.

How does this tool work?

  • The tool has two main functions inside:

    • clone_repo()

      • This function takes device repo link from dump repo.
      • It will clone the repo without checkout to prevent unnecessary files from being downloaded.
      • The required files are cloned individually using git checkout (branch name) -- filename.
      • generate() function only needs two files to generate the config file:
        • build.prop file from system and vendor directories are cloned.
      • As a fail-safe, the build.prop from system/product is also cloned if available.
      • If you encounter any errors, you can check the output of the git checkout commands that were run in the out.txt file that will be inside each repo directory after cloning.
    • generate()

      • Based on the script by osm0sis' script on XDA.

      • This is for generating the PIF JSON files.

      • It takes build.prop files and parses it to generate a file named custom.pif.json.

      • When using manual mode, a prompt to select your desired directory will show on screen.

      • Below is an example prompt:

        $ start -m pif
        # Choose your cloned directory by referencing the number next to
        # each directory name. (do not select any empty name directories)
        1. blackview
        2. bv9600
        3. s62pro
        Enter number:

Credits and other info

  • Thanks to @osm0sis for the gen_pif_custom.sh script on xda.
  • Feel free to submit any issues here.
  • Contact me on Telegram for any support @Juleast (Just please do not spam)
  • Support of the project with donations are welcome! Buy me a coffee!


A simple bash script to generate fingerprints to use with the Play Integrity Fix module.


Language:Shell 100.0%