juhalehtonen / GitExPress

Simple blog engine powered by Git & Elixir

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Build Status

A simple blog engine with a Git-based workflow. With GitExPress, you can write your blog posts in any any Git repository (e.g. in GitHub, GitLab..) as markdown files and, for supported service providers, have GitExPress automatically update the contents on your website when your posts are updated (see webhook section).

Only files ending with .md are parsed (and README/CHANGELOG files are ignored), so drafts of posts can be created by simply using a different file extension (or omitting one altogether).


Before using GitExPress, you need to configure a couple of things:

  • HTTPS URL of your remote Git repository
  • Local path where to clone/pull said directory
  • Webhook secret (TODO)

GitExPress can be used without a webhook, but not setting one up means you need to provide an alternative method for updating your blog posts. This can be a periodic GenServer, manual labour, or whatever you wish.

Blog post format

To ensure GitExPress can parse the blog posts, they need to be in a following format:

Title: Title of the blog post
Date: 2018-12-31

From this point on, content of the blog post in [markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/) format.


You can configure a webhook for the following service providers:


Configure the following in config.exs):

config :gitexpress,
  github_webhook_secret: "foo",
  github_webhook_path: "/api/github_webhook",
  github_webhook_action: {GitExPress.Webhook.GitHub, :handle}


Run the following whenever making changes to ensure code quality stays consistent (also ran on TravisCI):

mix test
mix coveralls
mix format --check-formatted
mix dialyzer --format dialyxir
mix credo --strict


Licensed under the MIT License.


Simple blog engine powered by Git & Elixir

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%