juddam / plangular

Create custom SoundCloud players with HTML & CSS

Home Page:http://jxnblk.github.io/plangular

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Create custom SoundCloud players with HTML and CSS. Built with AngularJS

See examples and more here: http://jxnblk.github.io/plangular


Plangular is very customizable. If you're not comfortable with basic AngularJS, the player templates below might be an easier place to start.

Include JS Files

Download the plangular.js file and add it to your project, then add the following script tags to your HTML:

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.9/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/plangular.js"></script>

Note: Unlike the previous version of Plangular, the SoundCloud SDK is no longer required.

Initialize the Angular App

Include the ng-app attribute in a containing element.

<body ng-app="plangular">

Create the Player

Use any HTML element and add the plangular and data-src attributes, with the SoundCloud URL for the sound you would like to use.

<div plangular data-src="http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk/plangular"></div>

Include the Track Info

Use Angular bindings to include information about the track. You can use any of the data from the SoundCloud JSON Object.

<p>{{ track.user.username }}</p>
<h1>{{ track.title }}</h1>

Use Plangular Variables

Add Play/Pause controls. Use ng-hide and ng-show to conditionally show and hide the controls when the track is playing.

<a href="" ng-click="player.play(track)" ng-hide="player.playing == track">Play</a>
<a href="" ng-click="player.pause()" ng-show="player.playing == track">Pause</a>

Plangular includes basic variables to display the sound's time and duration. The playTime filter will convert milliseconds to hh:mm:ss format.

<progress value="{{ currentTime / duration }}">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>
<small>{{ currentTime | playTime }} | {{ duration | playTime }}</small>

Add the seekTo() function to add scrubbing.

<progress value="{{ currentTime / duration }}" ng-click="seekTo($event)">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>

Add Images and Links

To use images and links in the track object, use Angular's ng-src and ng-href attributes.

<a ng-href="{{ track.permalink_url }}">View on SoundCloud</a>
<img ng-src="{{ track.artwork_url  }}" alt="{{ track.title }}" />
<img ng-src="{{ track.waveform_url }}" alt="waveform" />

Note: The waveform image that the SoundCloud API provides is a 1200 x 280px PNG with a light gray frame and transparent middle. To show progress use absolute positioning with the waveform in front. The light gray color is #efefef.


Use the plangularIcon directive to inject SVG icons into your player. This directive will replace the element with an inline SVG, which allows you to style the icons with CSS. Requires the plangular-icons.svg file.

<div plangular-icon="play"></div>
<div plangular-icon="pause"></div>
<div plangular-icon="previous"></div>
<div plangular-icon="next"></div>

Example Icon Styling

Since these are SVGs, use the fill attribute to style the color of the icons.

  .icon {
    width: 2rem;
    height: 2rem;
  .icon-white {
    fill: #fff;
<div plangular-icon="play" class="icon icon-white"></div>

Additional Options

To add a loading state while Plangular is getting data from SoundCloud, you can use ng-show and ng-hide to display different states.

<span ng-hide="track">Loading...</span>
<div ng-show="track"><!-- Player --></div>

Style with CSS

Add classes, custom images, and whatever else your heart desires. Have fun!

Example Templates

Use these examples to get started quickly

Bare Bones

<div plangular data-src="http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk/plangular">
  <a href="" ng-click="player.play(track)" ng-hide="player.playing == track">
    <div plangular-icon="play"></div>
  <a href="" ng-click="player.pause()" ng-show="player.playing == track">
    <div plangular-icon="pause"></div>
  <h1>{{ track.user.username }} - {{ track.title }}</h1>

Progress Bar

<div plangular data-src="http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk/plangular" class="media">
  <a href="" ng-click="player.play(track)" ng-hide="player.playing == track" class="img">
    <div plangular-icon="play"></div>
  <a href="" ng-click="player.pause()" ng-show="player.playing == track" class="img">
    <div plangular-icon="pause"></div>
  <div class="bd">
    <p>{{ track.user.username }}</p>
    <h1><a ng-href="{{ track.permalink_url }}">{{ track.title }}</a></h1>
    <progress value="{{ currentTime / duration }}" ng-click="seekTo($event)">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>
    <small>{{ currentTime | playTime }} | {{ duration | playTime }}</small>

Artwork and Waveform

<div plangular data-src="http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk/plangular" class="media">
  <img ng-src="{{ track.artwork_url }}" class="img" />
  <div class="bd">
    <div class="media">
      <a href="" ng-click="player.play(track)" ng-hide="player.playing == track" class="img">
        <div plangular-icon="play"></div>
      <a href="" ng-click="player.pause()" ng-show="player.playing == track" class="img">
        <div plangular-icon="pause"></div>
      <div class="bd">
        <p>{{ track.user.username }}</p>
        <h1><a ng-href="{{ track.permalink_url }}">{{ track.title }}</a></h1>
    <div ng-click="seekTo($event)">
      <progress value="{{ currentTime / duration }}">{{ currentTime / duration }}</progress>
      <img ng-src="{{ track.waveform_url }}" />
    <small>{{ currentTime | playTime }} | {{ duration | playTime }}</small>

Note About SoundCloud API

According to the SoundCloud API terms you must:

  • Credit the user as the creator of the content
  • Credit SoundCloud as the source
  • Include a link to the sound on SoundCloud (i.e. a link using track.permalink_url)

Read more here: http://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/terms-of-use#branding


Don't ask me why, but SoundCloud provides an option for users to prevent streaming to third-party apps. If your sound isn't play or has stopped playing check the track.streamable variable. If it's set to false, there's no way to play that sound with the API.



  • plangular - The Angular directive for Plangular
  • data-src - The data attribute to set the SoundCloud link
  • track - The object returned from the SoundCloud API
  • player.play(track) - Function for playing the track
  • player.pause() - Function for pausing
  • currentTime - Current time in milliseconds for the currently playing track
  • duration - Duration of the track in milliseconds
  • playTime - Angular filter to convert milliseconds to hh:mm:ss format
  • seekTo($event) - Click function for scrubbing

SoundCloud API

Example JSON object:

  "kind": "track",
  "id": 104286869,
  "created_at": "2013/08/06 18:40:58 +0000",
  "user_id": 1561,
  "duration": 10058,
  "commentable": true,
  "state": "finished",
  "original_content_size": 1764044,
  "sharing": "public",
  "tag_list": "Vocal",
  "permalink": "plangular",
  "streamable": true,
  "embeddable_by": "all",
  "downloadable": false,
  "purchase_url": null,
  "label_id": null,
  "purchase_title": null,
  "genre": "FX",
  "title": "Plangular",
  "description": "",
  "label_name": null,
  "release": null,
  "track_type": null,
  "key_signature": null,
  "isrc": null,
  "video_url": null,
  "bpm": null,
  "release_year": null,
  "release_month": null,
  "release_day": null,
  "original_format": "wav",
  "license": "all-rights-reserved",
  "uri": "http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/104286869",
  "user": {
    "id": 1561,
    "kind": "user",
    "permalink": "jxnblk",
    "username": "Jxnblk",
    "uri": "http://api.soundcloud.com/users/1561",
    "permalink_url": "http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk",
    "avatar_url": "http://i1.sndcdn.com/avatars-000022806518-7o90vj-large.jpg?5ffe3cd"
  "permalink_url": "http://soundcloud.com/jxnblk/plangular",
  "artwork_url": null,
  "waveform_url": "http://w1.sndcdn.com/2t0q2x8lbAVJ_m.png",
  "stream_url": "http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/104286869/stream",
  "playback_count": 51,
  "download_count": 0,
  "favoritings_count": 1,
  "comment_count": 0,
  "attachments_uri": "http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/104286869/attachments"

See http://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/reference#users for more details

MIT License


Create custom SoundCloud players with HTML & CSS
