juanrarodriguez18 / RaspberryPi_Bot

Telegram's Bot that shows and alerts you from the state of your Rasbpberry Pi

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Telegram's Bot that shows and alerts you from the state of your Rasbpberry Pi.

Basic Configuration

These are the basic parameters of the bot's configuration:

  • TOKEN: The bot's token, @BotFather can show us when we ask it for the Token of the created bot.
  • PATH: The path were the bot will save the Database used for the data of the bot.
  • DEFAULT_REFRESH_TIME: The refresh time of the alerts.
  • LOG_LEVEL: Log Level to save in the Log file.
  • LOG_PATH: Path were the Log file will be saved.

It exists two examples where we can save that commands, the first is my_config/config_example.ini, this configuration is used when we execute the bot directly from Python. On the other hand, if we execute the bot from Docker, we have the .example.env file.

Running the Bot

We can launch the bot in two differents ways:


In order to launch the bot from Python, we will use the next commands:

pip install -r requirements.txt
python raspberryPi_bot.py --config_path my-config/my_config.ini

The parth my-config/my_config.ini will be the path that we have configurated ath the configuration's file, the showed path is the path that it is recommend.


[In progress]

Bot Commands

  • start - Start the Bot and the configurated alerts
  • info_resumed - Show the resumed Raspberry info
  • info_cpu - Show the detailed info of the cpu
  • info_temp - Show the detailed info of the Temperature
  • info_ram- Show the detailed info of the Ram
  • info_disk - Show the detailed info of the Disk
  • reboot - Reboot the Raspberry
  • shutdown - Shutdown the Raspberry
  • password - Verify the password (needed to execute the commands of reboot and shutdown)
  • add_alert - Create a new Alert
  • modify_alert - Modify the value of one existing Alert
  • remove_alert - Remove on existing Alert
  • help - Show the Help info


Telegram's Bot that shows and alerts you from the state of your Rasbpberry Pi

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 100.0%