juanise / jvjr-docker-env

Env variables on dockerized Vue or React Apps

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Change env variables when run your docker image of your Vue/React app

Node >= 10


npm install jvjr-docker-env

This will install jvjr-docker-env as dependency, and will add a Dockerfile-jvjr functional example, a script jvjr-entrypoint.sh and jvjr-env.json file with env variables from .env file into the base directory of your project.

  • Dockerfile-jvjr is a functional Dockerfile example to a basic Vue project, you can use it as it is.
  • The script jvjr-entrypont.sh (as you can see into Dockerfile-jvjr) will be the entrypoint.
  • The jvjr-env.json file with env variables will be used by jvjr-docker-env library.

If you change the env file and need to regenerate jvjr-env.json:

npm run jvjr-build

This action will be added to build script on your package.json.


If we have this .env file:


jvjr-docker-env will generate a jvjr-env.json file like this:


So you can use it on your code:

import EnvProvider from 'jvjr-docker-env';

export default class MyClass {
    private webService: any;
    constructor() {
        this.webService = EnvProvider.value('WEB_SERVICE');

Before you build your docker image, you will probably need to modify Dockerfile-jvjr file. You need to tell jvjr-entrypoint.sh where the dist directory is and the prefix of *js files.

For example:

COPY --from=build-stage /app/<my dist dir> /usr/share/nginx/html

COPY --from=build-stage /app/jvjr-entrypoint.sh /
COPY --from=build-stage /app/jvjr-env.json /
RUN chmod +x /jvjr-entrypoint.sh


ENTRYPOINT [ "/jvjr-entrypoint.sh", "/usr/share/nginx/html/<path to js files>", "<prefix of your js files>" ]
  • <my dist dir>, usually 'dist' or 'build'
  • <path to js files>, usually 'js' or 'static/js'
  • <prefix of your js files>, usually 'app' or 'main'

After you build your docker image, if you set env var for example in your docker run command line

docker run -d --name example -e VUE_APP_WEB_SERVICE=locahost example:latest

then webService value will be localhost.

But if you din't set VUE_APP_WEB_SERVICE, wevService value will be, which is the one we have into .env file.

See https://github.com/juanise/jvjr-docker-env-example for a React example.


Env variables on dockerized Vue or React Apps

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 77.7%Language:Shell 22.3%