juangabriel95 / Ronin-Wallet---AXS-Restake-Automatic-Axie-Infinity-V1

Ronin Wallet - AXS Restake Automatic [Axie Infinity] V1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

🔮🚀 AXS Restake Automatic Ronin Wallet

This Bot helps you to Restake AXS at https://stake.axieinfinity.com/ automatically and safely, without having to spend every day waiting to Restake your AXS.

⭐Please consider giving a star.

🐰⚡ Installation

Download and Install Node here: https://nodejs.org/en/download/

Then run the following commands in terminal:

  1. git clone https://github.com/juangabriel95/Ronin-Wallet---AXS-Restake-Automatic-Axie-Infinity-V1
  2. cd Ronin-Wallet---AXS-Restake-Automatic-Axie-Infinity-V1
  3. npm i
  4. npm i -g pm2
  5. pm2 start node index.js --name="RoninRestakeAXSBot" --watch

⚙️ Setup

  1. Open the **index.js** file with any code/text editor and add your private key like so:

add the accounts you want AXS Restake to do automatically

  1. CMD/Terminal: pm2 start node index.js --name="RoninRestakeAXSBot" --watch Run the Bot when you haven't Restaked at https://stake.axieinfinity.com/ so the bot will be synchronized.

✔️ To Do

  • Auto Restake Every 24 hours!!
  • [] Land Auto Restake :: Coming Soon
  • [] AXS/WETH Auto Restake :: Coming Soon
  • [] SLP/WETH Auto Restake :: Coming Soon
  • [] RON/WETH Auto Restake :: Coming Soon

Donation Metamask/ETH/BEP20: 0x7B5F2535bcC3d05ABE4f60CA3CA602cB8D6Df97C Ronin Wallet: ronin:7B5F2535bcC3d05ABE4f60CA3CA602cB8D6Df97C