Juan Esteban Mendez's repositories
AI Python application using Minmax adversial search algorithm for playing tic tac toe against a computer. It is impossible to beat it.
A Python script that executes ADB commands to perform certain tasks in an Android Pixel Emulator. The script uses the pure-python-adb library (ppadb).
Project 0 for the Introduction to "Artificial Intelligence with Python" Harvard online course. App that finds a connection between two actors bases on the movies they have starred in, using BFS algorithm.
This repository contains different coding challenges I have solved in order to improve my skills. Each of the files is a different exercise.
The third project for my data structures course at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
Web app developed with React, that shows a table with a list of movies. When the user clicks on one of the rows of the table, information of the selected movie is displayed on a panel on the right side of the page. On the bottom of the page, a bar chart is displayed with the number of ratings each movie has.
VolunteerHub is an iOS app, which offers volunteers a platform in which they can easily find volunteer activities around their area, making it possible for them to start helping others right way! 🌎
Back-end developed using node.js, MongoDB, and Express which contains information about countries around the world.
AI Python application for playing minesweeper. The player can make a move, or it can click a button that makes the AI do the move for him.
The first project for my data structures course at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
The second project for my data structures course at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Jupyter Notebook that imports a dataset from the Pima Indians Diabetes Database, and creates a Decision Tree classification model. A visualization of the tree built is shown, as well as the prediction accuracy of the obtained model.
React web application that shows a simple table with sample data. It supports two languages: english and spanish.
Jupyter Notebook that imports a dataset of the RMS Titanic, and creates a k-means model for clustering the data into Survived and Not Survived groups.
Web app developed with React that shows a list of Marvels Superheroes.
Snowflake Connector for Python
TCP client implemented in Python in which the user can upload files to a server.
TCP server implemented in Python for hosting files and sending them to a client.
The back-end of VolunteerHub Mobile App, developed with Node.js using Express.