Juan Cumbe's repositories
TaskTeam is the final project I made for the Certificate of Higher Education in Web Application Development that I studied at ILERNA Online 🎓.
Exercises completed during the 26 days of the C Piscine in August 2023 at 42 Barcelona (Fundación Telefónica).
🚀 A collection of projects created during my multimedia and device programming course. From graphics and audio manipulation to interfacing with hardware devices, these projects showcase my journey in mastering multimedia technologies and creating interactive applications. 🤓
Este módulo se centra en el aprendizaje de los fundamentos de la programación y de diversas estructuras de control, como variables, bucles, condicionales y matrices. También cubre la estructuración y reutilización de código a través de la creación y uso de métodos. Los mecanismos de persistencia se cubren a través del trabajo con archivos. 🤓
Exercises completed during the Server Environment Web Development course at Ilerna Online. Here, you can find the PHP fundamentals and how to use it with SQL. ⚡️
This is the final project carried out during the Server Environment Web Development course at Ilerna Online. I have applied all of my knowledge to create a store's back office following the MVC design pattern. ⚡️
Check my portfolio live at juancumbe.com! 🌟
Hi There! Here you can find out who I am, what I do, how and what I am working on, the technologies I currently use and the ones I am learning. Check my website (link below) to see some of my work .⚡️
With this course I mastered the basics of HTML and CSS. I learned the anatomy of an HTML document, its elements and CSS properties. I designed the main screens of a web page with responsive design. 🔥
I learned frontend development with responsive design! I put into practice everything I know about HTML and CSS layout to build the pages and components of a professional e-commerce. 🔥
I learned how the world of backend and server-side web applications works. Got a first look at the languages, technologies and tasks that silently build the internet. 🔥
In this course, I created a TODO app and learned how to build interactive web applications with React.js. I worked with components, props, CSS styles, states, and React effects, and implemented React Context, React Portals, and storage with Local Storage. ✅
I built an E-commerce or Online Store with React.js, the most in-demand tool for frontend developers. I integrated Vite.js for the development environment, TailwindCSS for styling, and React Router DOM for routing and navigation.
50% of internet traffic comes from mobile devices, making it a priority to develop frontends for smartphones, tablets, and laptops. In this course, I learned everything necessary to create projects that adapt to the different views. 🔥
This is my first incursion into the TypeScrypt language