jtkim-lab / btdk

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BTDK - BitThunder Development Kit

This repository allows you to build a complete end-to-end toolchain for bitthunder. With this toolchain you can:

 * Build the bitthunder kernel.
 * Build and link kernel mode applications/processes.
 * Build separate applications to be loaded by the bt elfloader.
 * Build bare-metal code. (I.e. no bitthunder linking or includes).

Toolchain versions:

BTDK provides a modern toolchain and library with the following versions.

 * binutils-2.24
 * gcc-4.8.1
 * newlib-2.0.0

Building BTDK

Building the BTDK should be relatively painless :S simply:

git submodule update --init

Speed up the build using:

make -j32


See packages.mk for a list of all ubuntu/debian packages required for a sucessful build.

make ubuntu.prerequisites
