jthegedus / reasonml

Exercism exercises in ReasonML.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Deprecated. See official Exercism track - https://exercism.io/tracks/reasonml


Exercism exercises in ReasonML.

This track focuses on the use of ReasonML as a web application language within the JavaScript ecosystem, covering BuckleScript and JavaScript Interop. The tests are written using bs-jest, the BuckleScript binding for Jest.


The ReasonML track assumes installation of Reason v3.x and BuckleScript. All of this can be installed through npm or yarn with the following:


Yarn or npm

yarn global add bs-platform
npm install -g bs-platform

Reason CLI tools

Platform Install Command
OSX npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.4-bin-darwin.tar.gz
yarn global add https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.4-bin-darwin.tar.gz
Linux npm install -g https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.4-bin-linux.tar.gz
yarn global add https://github.com/reasonml/reason-cli/archive/3.0.4-bin-linux.tar.gz
Windows Please see reasonml/reasonml.github.io#195

If you already have, and wish to use, OPAM, then alternative installation instructions are here.

Editor Plugins

It's recommended to use VSCode with ReasonML for the time being, as the Atom.io plugin still needs some work.

Editor Plugin
VSCode https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=freebroccolo.reasonml

Running Tests

To run all tests, type yarn test or npm test from the top level directory.

To run tests for a particular exercise, yarn test-assignment ASS=luhn or navigate to the exercise folder and run yarn test.


This is a work in progress used to better learn ReasonML itself. If you have comments or corrections, please start a dialogue through GitHub issues before PRs. After all, this may or may not be merged into Exercism, I've not looked into that process yet. Thanks!


Exercism exercises in ReasonML.

License:MIT License


Language:Reason 96.1%Language:Shell 3.9%