jtbergman / go-rest-starter

A template Go Rest API with authentication, permissions, and more πŸš€

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Go Rest Starter

A Go REST API starter template with authentication, permissions, email, and more πŸš€

This starter template provides the following features to build on:

  • πŸ‘‹ Authentication with stateful tokens
  • πŸ’‚β€β™‚οΈ Authorization with roles (by default admin and superadmin)
  • πŸ‘€ Middleware for authentication, permission checks, and panic recovery
  • πŸ“§ Emails for welcoming new users and resetting passwords
  • πŸ” Graceful shutdown that waits for background tasks to finish
  • πŸ§ͺ Testing package makes it easy to write integration tests (see TestAuthE2E)
  • ⏰ Centralized error handling – always return ServerError or ClientError and send it with rest.Error(err)

Get Started

Do a bulk find and replace for go-rest-starter.jtbergman.me and replace it with your desired module name.


Create a .env file with this format. Both Docker and Make rely on these values. SMTP optional for local.

# Env: local | dev | prod
# local will log email data to STDOUT, SMTP not required

# Server

# Docker
# PROJECT_NAME is the group name used by Docker

# Postgres
# Used to create DSN for `make run`. This data persists after stop.

# Postgres Tests
# Used to create DSN for `make tests`. This data is not persisted after stop.

# These values are provided by SMTP service, can skip while using local
SMTP_SENDER="Go Rest Starter <no-reply@go-rest-starter.com>"


To run the application, just run make run. Alternatively, run make to see all the commands.

  # These automatically start the database and apply migrations
  run                    run API
  tests                  run tests
  tests/short            run tests skipping integration
  tests/cover            run tests with code coverage

  # Manually start and stop the database
  db/start               start the API database
  db/start/tests         start the Tests database
  db/stop                stop the API database
  db/stop/tests          stop the Tests database

  # Connect to the database to inspect with SQL
  sql                    connect to the API database with psql
  sql/tests              connect to the Tests database with psql

  # Manage databae migrations (requires go-migrate)
  mig/new name=$1        create a new database migration
  mig/up                 migrate to a specific version, or apply all migrations
  mig/down               apply all down database migrations
  mig/force version=$1   force the database to a migration version

  # Count the lines of code in your application
  util/loc               lists the total lines of code

  # Build the app, check the version (date+git hash)
  build                  build the API
  version                Output version of current binary


The supported routes are demonstrated using HTTPie syntax.

/v1/auth/register Create a user with an email and password.

http POST localhost:4000/v1/auth/register \
	email="test@example.com" \

/v1/auth/activate Activate a user using the activation token (see previous logs)

http PUT localhost:4000/v1/auth/activate \
	token="<Activation Token (See Server Logs)>"

/v1/auth/login Login to get an authentication token.

http POST localhost:4000/v1/auth/login \
	email="test@example.com" \

/v1/auth/logout Logout your user (authentication required)

http POST localhost:4000/v1/auth/logout \
	"Authorization: Bearer <Authentication Token>

/v1/auth/rest request and create new passwords

# Request Reset
http POST localhost:4000/v1/auth/reset \

# Rest with token (see server logs)
http PUT localhost:4000/v1/auth/reset \
	token="<Reset Token (See Server Logs)" \

/v1/auth/delete Delete your account (authentication required)

http POST localhost:4000/v1/auth/delete \
	email="test@example.com" \
	password="pa55word" \
	"Authorization: Bearer <New Authentication Token>

/v1/debug/vars Check server metrics (admin user required)

# Create a user, activate, and login
$ http localhost:4000/v1/auth/register email="test@example.com" password="password"
$ http PUT localhost:4000/v1/auth/activate token=<Activation Token (See Server Logs)>
$ http POST localhost:4000/v1/auth/login email="test@example.com" password="password"

# You cannot see /v1/debug/vars
$ http localhost:4000/v1/debug/vars "Authorization: Bearer <Login Token>"

# Connect to database, grant admin 
$ make sql
> SELECT * FROM users;
> SELECT * FROM permissions;
> INSERT INTO user_permissions (user_id, permission_id) VALUES (1, 1);

# Now you can
$ http localhost:4000/v1/debug/vars "Authorization: Bearer <Login Token>"

Adding Routes

To define new routes, create a new package in internal/routes.

A route package should specify its dependencies with a struct using interfaces where possible.

// Encapsulates the Application dependencies required by routes
type Auth struct {
	bg     app.Backgrounder
	logger xlogger.Logger
	mailer mailer.Mailer
	rest   *rest.Rest
	tokens tokens.TokensRepository
	users  users.UsersRepository

Create a New function that takes the App dependencies type and initializes itself.

func New(app *app.App) *Auth {
	return &Auth{
		bg:     app.BG,
		logger: app.Logger,
		mailer: app.Mailer,
		rest:   app.Rest,
		tokens: app.Models.Tokens,
		users:  app.Models.Users,

Define a Route function with the following signature and register your routes.

func (auth *Auth) Route(mux *http.ServeMux, mw *middleware.Middleware) {
	mux.HandleFunc(ActivateRoute, auth.Activate)

	mux.HandleFunc(DeleteRoute, mw.Authenticated(auth.Delete))

	mux.HandleFunc(LoginRoute, auth.Login)

	mux.HandleFunc(LogoutRoute, mw.Authenticated(auth.Logout))

	mux.HandleFunc(RegisterRoute, auth.Register)

	mux.HandleFunc(ResetRoute, auth.Reset)

I prefer to use the switch r.Method approach when defining my routes.

const ResetRoute = "/v1/auth/reset"

func (app *Auth) Reset(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	switch r.Method {
	case "GET":
		http.ServeFile(w, r, "static/reset.html")

	case "POST":
		app.resetPost(w, r)

	case "PUT":
		app.resetPut(w, r)

		app.rest.MethodNotAllowed(w, r, "GET, POST, PUT")

Writing Route Handlers

Route handlers are defined on the dependencies struct (i.e. Auth).

The Rest dependency makes it easy to read JSON, write JSON, and handle errors.

func (auth *Auth) registerPost(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	var input struct {
		Email    string `json:"email"`
		Password string `json:"password"`

	// Parse request
	if err := auth.rest.ReadJSON(w, r, "auth.registerPost", &input); err != nil {
		auth.rest.Error(w, err)

	// Create user
	user, err := auth.users.New(input.Email, input.Password)
	if err != nil {
		auth.rest.Error(w, err)

	// Insert user
	if err := auth.users.Insert(user); err != nil {
		if err.Matches(xerrors.ErrUniqueViolation) {
			err.Data = "That email is already taken"
		auth.rest.Error(w, err)
	// ...

Accessing the Database

To interact with the database, create a new package in internal/models

Create a file named service.go that defines and implements an interface.

// Defines a mockable interface for user operations
type UsersRepository interface {
	Delete(user *User) (int64, *xerrors.AppError)
	GetByEmail(email string) (*User, *xerrors.AppError)
	GetByToken(plaintext string) (*User, *xerrors.AppError)
	Insert(user *User) *xerrors.AppError
	New(email, plaintext string) (*User, *xerrors.AppError)
	Update(user *User) *xerrors.AppError

Create a concrete instance that depends on core.Queryable. This allows the same service to use transactions and *sql.DB without additional code.

// Provides access to User database methods
type Users struct {
	DB core.Queryable

Provide a Repository method to make service initialization consistent.

func Repository(db core.Queryable) UsersRepository {
	return &Users{DB: db}

Use core.RowsAffected and xerrors.DatabaseError to simplify error handling.

// Deletes a user
func (m Users) Delete(user *User) (int64, *xerrors.AppError) {
	ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 3*time.Second)
	defer cancel()

	result, err := m.DB.ExecContext(ctx, `DELETE FROM users WHERE id = $1`, user.ID)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, xerrors.DatabaseError(err, "users.Delete")

	return core.RowsAffected(result, "users.Delete")

Writing Tests

This template includes helpers for writing integration test. To create an App with mocked dependencies, just call mocks.App(). You can then easily create a test handler using the Routes method from your package. For an example, see auth_test.go. Use functions from the assert package to easily write integration tests. Example:

func TestDelete(t *testing.T) {
	// Mark an integration test (skipped with make tests/short)

	// Easily create dependencies
	app := mocks.App(t)
	handler := authHandler(app)
	credentials := `{"email": "test@example.com", "password": "password"}`

	// Seed – create user, activate user, login user
	assert.Check(t, registerUser(handler, credentials))
	assert.Check(t, activateUser(handler, app))
	token := loginUser(handler, credentials)
	assert.Check(t, len(token) > 0)

	// Auth Required
	assert.RunHandlerTestCase[failures](t, handler, "POST", DeleteRoute, assert.HandlerTestCase[failures]{
		Name:   "Delete/AuthRequired",
		Body:   credentials,
		Status: http.StatusUnauthorized,

	// User Not Found
	assert.RunHandlerTestCase[failures](t, handler, "POST", DeleteRoute, assert.HandlerTestCase[failures]{
		Name:   "Delete/UserNotFound",
		Body:   `{"email": "test2@example.com", "password": "password"}`,
		Auth:   token,
		Status: http.StatusNotFound,

	// Credentials Invalid
	assert.RunHandlerTestCase[failures](t, handler, "POST", DeleteRoute, assert.HandlerTestCase[failures]{
		Name:   "Delete/CredentialsInvalid",
		Body:   `{"email": "test@example.com", "password": "pa55word"}`,
		Auth:   token,
		Status: http.StatusUnauthorized,

	// Success
	assert.RunHandlerTestCase[message](t, handler, "POST", DeleteRoute, assert.HandlerTestCase[message]{
		Name:   "Delete/CredentialsInvalid",
		Body:   credentials,
		Auth:   token,
		Status: http.StatusOK,
		FN: func(t *testing.T, result message) {
			assert.Equal(t, result.Message, "Your account has been deleted")

If you have a failing test, use the following to inspect server logs from the test


assert.RunHandlerTestCase[message](t, handler, "POST", DeleteRoute, assert.HandlerTestCase[message]{
		Name:   "Delete/CredentialsInvalid",
		Body:   credentials,
		Auth:   token,
		Status: http.StatusOK,
		FN: func(t *testing.T, result message) {
			assert.Equal(t, result.Message, "Your account has been deleted")



A template Go Rest API with authentication, permissions, and more πŸš€


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