jswny / PastehistoryAPI

Complete Node.js API implementation for Pastehistory.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The Pastehistory API is a rudementary API for Pastehistory which uses Node.js to interface with the SQL server of your implementation.


At the moment, the API only supports get and search, remember to replace localhost and 1337 with the appropriate server and port that you have configured.

  • get - Get a paste by it's ID
    • http://localhost:1337/?cmd=get&id=<id>
    • Returns a JSON object with the matching paste in its entirety including all fields.
  • search - Search for pastes by keyword and return relevant data, supports multiple keywords seperated by spaces (yes I know this is dirty)
    • http://localhost:1337/?cmd=search&keyword=<query>
    • Returns an array of pastes as JSON objects.


Pastehistory uses the following modules to function.

  1. http - Core Node module for handling HTTP requests. Pastehistory uses this module to perform basic request capturing and response handling.
  2. url - Core Node module which is used to parse and decode urls and queries for processing.
  3. mysql - NPM module used for accessing the SQL database.

Test Environment

  • CentOS 7
  • Node 0.12
  • NPM


  1. Configure the SQL connection by modifying the follwing block of code with the appropriate settings:
var conn = mysql.createConnection({
  host     : 'localhost',
  user     : 'root',
  password : 'password',
  database : 'paste'
  1. Ensure that the server is configured to listen on the proper port:
  1. Install the dependencies: $ npm install
  2. Start the API server using the standard method: $ npm start or by using a process manager such as forever:
  3. $ npm install -g forever
  4. $ forever start server.js


Complete Node.js API implementation for Pastehistory.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%