A simple app to track job applications
- Track the different stages of your job applications with a timeline
- Organise your applications into categories (Upcoming, Ongoing, Offer, Closed)
- Take notes for each application and interview
- Set date and time easily with the timezone date-time picker
- Share your application details with others
- [Coming soon] Generate a sankey diagram to visualize your job application flow
- [Coming soon] View other cohorts' job application flow
- [Coming soon] Search your applications
- [Coming soon] Find job postings
- and more... (Contribute your ideas!)
# Initialize environment variables
# (follow the comments in the file to set up the variables)
cp .env.example .env.local
# Install dependencies
pnpm i
# Initialize the database
pnpm db:push
# Seeding the database
# (kinda buggy, you can skip this)
pnpm db:seed
# Start the development server
pnpm dev
# Manage the database
# (you can also use the neon dashboard)
pnpm db:studio