jsulmont / kafka-rkt

Racket binding to rdkafka

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

A Racket interface to Apache Kafka



This project is a work in progress. Not to be used, or at your own risk.



  • It is currently not possible to set a log callback as doing so will cause a deadlock. librdkafka is heavily treaded and the log callback is called from all threads, often holding locks.
    • hence rd_kafka_conf_set_log_cb is simply not exposed.
    • Untill I have figured out a concurrency/parallelism model (see Missing) the workaround, is route all logging to a dedicated queue using rd_kafka_set_log_queue and set a thread to periodically poll that queue.
  • It is currently not possible to run a stand-alone executable (created with raco exe). This is due to a problem with the unix signals library.


  • Figure out the loading of librdkafka.so (possibly on Windows) and how it works with raco pkg ....
  • Concurrency/Parallelism (e.g., lift librdkafka to its own place).
  • Memory management (from malloc/free to GC, when to copy etc).
  • Figure out log format and statistics/metrics.
  • Exceptions
  • Basics (Toppar, Serde, Message)
  • Admin API
  • Producer API
  • Consumer API
  • Tests for above APIs
  • Fix unix signals library.
  • CI

How to run the examples (will change)

$ raco pkg install --skip-installed try-catch-finally uuid unix-signals threading
  • Assuming librdkafka is installed on your machine,

  • Assuming there is a Kafka broker listening on localhost:9092, a transactions topic created with more than one partition (say 5), and Kafka Connect Datagen is installed, so that it's running the transactions connector where max.interval is 5000 ms, then:

$ racket complex-consumer.rkt -A -X partition.assignment.strategy=cooperative-sticky -g xoxo13 transactions

will start a consumer joining group xoxo13 using the COOPERATIVE group protocol and reading from topic transactions. Starting in another window:

$ racket complex-consumer.rkt -A -d protocol -g xoxo13 transactions

will attemp to start another customer in the xoxo13 group, only failing since the default group protocol is EAGER and xoxo13 is using the COOPERATIVE protocol for its group membership. The -d protocol will cause debug info from the protocol category to be printed alongside. Hitting ^C (or sending SINGINT to the process) will cleanly shutdown the consumer. If you now restart it as:

racket complex-consumer.rkt -A -X partition.assignment.strategy=cooperative-sticky -g xoxo13 transactions

your process will correctly join xoxo13 group using a COOPERATIVE protocol, triggering a rebalancing of the group by the broker: after a while, each process will handle a subset of transactions' partition complement of the other's.

Note that the -X and -d options can be repeated. For a list of all global parameters and their values:

$ racket complex-consumer.rkt -X dump x


$ racket complex-consumer.rkt -h
usage: complex-consumer [ <option> ... ] <topic> [<topics>] ...
  For balanced consumer groups use the 'topic1 topic2..' format
  and for static assignment use 'topic1:part1 topic1:part2 topic2:part1..'

<option> is one of

  -g <g>
     Consumer group. ((null))
     Be quiet.
  -b <b>
     Broker address. (localhost:9092)
     Exit consumer when last message ∈ partition has been received.
     Describe group.
     Get committed offset(s).
     Raw payload output (consumer).
* -d <flag>
     set debug flag (all,generic,broker,topic...).
* -X <property>
     Set arbitrary librdkafka configuration property (name=value).
  --help, -h
     Show this help
     Do not treat any remaining argument as a switch (at this level)

 *   Asterisks indicate options allowed multiple times.

 Multiple single-letter switches can be combined after
 one `-`. For example, `-h-` is the same as `-h --`.


Racket binding to rdkafka



Language:Racket 99.9%Language:Makefile 0.1%