jsullivanlive / staticmaps

A node.js library for creating map images with polylines, polygons and markers.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

StaticMaps npm version

A node.js library for creating map images with polylines and markers. This library is a node.js implementation of Static Map.

Map with polyline


Image manupulation is based on GraphicsMagick (default), ImageMagick (imageMagick: true) or Sharp sharp: true. Install GraphicsMagick, ImageMagick or Sharp first.

> npm i staticmaps

Image manipulation is based on Sharp. Pre-compiled binaries for sharp are provided for use with Node versions 4, 6, 8 and 10 on 64-bit Windows, OS X and Linux platforms. For other OS or using with Heroku, Docker, AWS Lambda please referr to sharp installtion instructions.

Getting Started


import StaticMaps from 'staticmaps';
const options = {
  width: 600,
  height: 400
const map = new StaticMaps(options);

Map options

Parameter Default Description
width Required Width of the output image in px
height Required Height of the output image in px
quality DEPRECATED (optional) Set quality of output JPEG, 0 - 100 (default: 100).
paddingX 0 (optional) Minimum distance in px between map features and map border
paddingY 0 (optional) Minimum distance in px between map features and map border
tileUrl (optional) Tile server URL for the map base layer
tileSize 256 (optional) Tile size in pixel
tileRequestTimeout (optional) Timeout for the tiles request
tileRequestHeader {} (optional) Additional headers for the tiles request (default: {})


addMarker (options)

Adds a marker to the map.

Marker options
Parameter Default Description
coord Required Coordinates of the marker ([Lng, Lat])
img Required Marker image path or URL
height Required Height of the marker image
width Required Width of the marker image
offsetX width/2 (optional) X offset of the marker image
offsetY height (optional) Y offset of the marker image
Usage example
const marker = {
  img: `${__dirname}/marker.png`, // can also be a URL
  offsetX: 24,
  offsetY: 48,
  width: 48,
  height: 48,
  coord = [13.437524,52.4945528]

addLine (options)

Adds a polyline to the map.

Polyline options
Parameter Description
coords Coordinates of the polyline ([[Lng, Lat], ... ,[Lng, Lat]])
color Stroke color of the polyline (Default: '#000000BB')
width Stroke width of the polyline (Default: 3)
simplify TODO
Usage example
  const polyline = {
    coords: [
    color: '#0000FFBB',
    width: 3



Adds a polygon to the map. Polygon is the same as a polyline but first and last coordinate are equal.

Polygon options
Parameter Default Description
coords Required Coordinates of the polygon ([[Lng, Lat], ... ,[Lng, Lat]])
color #000000BB Stroke color of the polygon
width 3 Stroke width of the polygon
fill #000000BB Fill color of the polygon
simplify TODO
Usage example
  const polygon = {
    coords: [
    color: '#0000FFBB',
    width: 3


render (center, zoom)

Renders the map.

Render options
Parameter Default Description
center (optional) Set center of map to a specific coordinate ([Lng, Lat])
zoom (optional) Set a specific zoom level.

image.save (fileName, [outputOptions])

Saves the image to a file in fileName.

map.image.save('my-staticmap-image.png', { compressionLevel: 9 });
Parameter Default Description
fileName output.png Name of the output file. Specify output format (png, jpg, webp) by adding file extension.
outputOptions (optional) Output options set for sharp

The outputOptions replaces the deprectated quality option. For Backwards compatibility quality still works but will be overwritten with outputOptions.quality.


If callback is undefined it return a Promise. DEPRECATED

image.buffer (mime, [outputOptions])

Saves the image to a file.

map.image.buffer('image/jpog', { quality: 75 });
Parameter Default Description
mime image/png Mime type(image/png, image/jpg or image/webp) of the output buffer
outputOptions {} (optional) Output options set for sharp

The outputOptions replaces the deprectated quality option. For Backwards compatibility quality still works but will be overwritten with outputOptions.quality.


If callback is undefined it return a Promise. DEPRECATED

Usage Examples

Simple map w/ zoom and center

const zoom = 13;
const center = [13.437524,52.4945528];

map.render(center, zoom)
  .then(() => map.image.save('center.png'))  
  .then(() => console.log('File saved!'))
  .catch(function(err) { console.log(err); });


Map with zoom and center

Simple map with bounding box

If specifying a bounding box instead of a center, the optimal zoom will be calculated.

const bbox = [
  11.414795,51.835778,  // lng,lat of first point
  11.645164,51.733833   // lng,lat of second point, ...

  .then(() => map.image.save('bbox.png'))  
  .then(() => console.log('File saved!'))


Map with bbox

Map with single marker

const marker = {
  img: `${__dirname}/marker.png`, // can also be a URL,
  offsetX: 24,
  offsetY: 48,
  width: 48,
  height: 48,
  coord: [13.437524, 52.4945528],
  .then(() => map.image.save('single-marker.png'))
  .then(() => { console.log('File saved!'); })

You're free to specify a center as well, otherwise the marker will be centered.


Map with marker

Map with multiple marker

const marker = {
  img: `${__dirname}/marker.png`, // can also be a URL
  offsetX: 24,
  offsetY: 48,
  width: 48,
  height: 48

marker.coord = [13.437524,52.4945528];
marker.coord = [13.430524,52.4995528];
marker.coord = [13.410524,52.5195528];

  .then(() => map.image.save('multiple-marker.png'))
  .then(() => { console.log('File saved!'); })


Map with multiple markers

Map with polyline

var line = {
  coords: [
  color: '#0000FFBB',
  width: 3

  .then(() => map.image.save('test/out/polyline.png'))
  .then(() => console.log('File saved!'))


Map with polyline


A node.js library for creating map images with polylines, polygons and markers.


Language:JavaScript 100.0%