jstopchick / wthr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


this is a bare-bones, no security or configuration, demo of nuxt-postgraphile setup in the context of a basic IOT scenario; capturing and analyzing weather station readings.

db schema

wthr schema

tldr video


major components

to run the demo

first, edit the config.js file to reflect your environment:

module.exports = {
  dbSuperUserConnectionConfig: {   // used to rebase the db
    connectionString: 'postgres://postgres:1234@'
  connectionConfig: {  // db connection for the app
    connectionString: 'postgres://postgres:1234@'


# install dependencies
$ yarn install

# build the database - uses dbSuperUserConnectionConfig from config
$ yarn rebase-db

# serve with hot reload at localhost:3000
$ yarn dev

at http://localhost:3000 you should see an empty screen. at http://localhost:3000/graphiql you can query the api and browse the published schema via docs

create some fake data

in a second terminal:

# start the fake-data-maker
$ yarn fake-data

in browser, you will now see a list of stations. selecting one will show you a graph of the collected readings



Language:PLpgSQL 41.4%Language:Vue 32.3%Language:JavaScript 24.3%Language:TypeScript 2.1%