jstol / tennis-maddpg

🎾🤖 An implementation of MADDPG to solve the Unity ML-Agents "tennis" environment

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Random agents Trained agents
trained agent random agent

Examples of random agents and agents trained to hit the ball over the net.

Note: The code in this repo is based on my original implementation of DDPG, which can be found here.

The Model and Environment

This project implements Multi-Agent Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (MADDPG) [1] to solve the "Tennis" Unity ML Environment. The goal in this environment is to train two agents to hit a ball over a net with a racquet. Each individual agent is rewarded for hitting the ball over the net, and penalized when they hit it out of bounds or allow it to drop; therefore, both collaboration and competition is required to solve the environment. This project was completed as part of the (Unity-sponsored) Udacity course on Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Observation Space

24 real-valued variables describing the position and velocity of the ball and raquet. Each agent has its own local observation at each timestep.

Action Space

A float vector of size 2. One entry controls horizontal movement, while the other controls vertical movement. (Every entry is bound between [-1, +1].)

Reward Function

Each agent receives a reward of +0.1 for hitting the ball over the net, and -0.01 if the ball hits the ground on the agent's side or if the agent hits the ball out-of-bounds.


The environment is considered solved when one of the agents can receive an average reward of +0.5 or more, over a window of 100 episodes. (Note: the reward per agent is summed over each episode, and the max of this value is taken as the episode score.)


Code Setup

Based on the Udacity setup (see here), Conda/virtualenv can be used to install the required dependencies. For example:

virtualenv --python=python3 venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Setup

The environment executable can be downloaded for different platforms.

Project Structure


A document detailing some of the implementation details and ideas for future work.


Contains a CLI used for training and visualizing the model.


The main module.


Contains the Agent class, used to organize the Policy/Q-Net of each agent.


Contains definitions of the Policy/Q-Net (Actor/Critic) models.


Contains functions for training and visualizing agents.


Various utilities for managing the environment and training loop.


Contains pretrained models.

policy_net.0.pth and policy_net.1.pth

Pre-trained Policy Nets (Actors) for each agent.

q_net.0.pth and q_net.1.pth

Pre-trained Q-Nets (Critics) for each agent.

Training and Visualizing

The main.py script can be used to train agents and visualize them.

To train:

python3 main.py train

To visualize:

python3 main.py visualize models/


  1. Lowe, Ryan, Yi Wu, Aviv Tamar, Jean Harb, Pieter Abbeel and Igor Mordatch. “Multi-Agent Actor-Critic for Mixed Cooperative-Competitive Environments.” ArXiv abs/1706.02275 (2017): n. pag.


🎾🤖 An implementation of MADDPG to solve the Unity ML-Agents "tennis" environment


Language:Python 100.0%