jssmith / java-lambda-invoker

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lambda Invoker Benchmark

This project contains test scripts to benchmark performance of the AWS Lambda invocation API usingversion 2.0 of the AWS Java SDK which is presently available as a preview release.


Use Maven to build.

mvn package


Make sure your AWS environment is configured

aws configure

Follow the prompts to configure your local aws client

Optional: If using a non-default profile set the environment variable, e.g.:


Note that we have hardcoded the region to us-west-2. If you plan to run in a different region please edit the Java source code (class LambdaInvokeAsync).

Run the benchmark:

java -jar target/java-lambda-invoker-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [Function Name] [Sleep Argument] [Num Invocations] [Experiment Id]

Arguments are:

  • Function Name - name of the AWS Lambda function to execute
  • Sleep Argument - We pass a parameter "Sleep" = Sleep Argument to the function during invocation. The function may read this parameter and sleep in response.
  • Num Invocations - How many times to call the function
  • Experiment Id - We pass a parameter "ExperimentId" = Experiment Id to the function during invocation. The function may read this parameter and use it, e.g., in logs or other output.

For example:

java -jar target/java-lambda-invoker-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar HelloPython .010 2 e200

This program will save the return values of function invocations in the file lambda_async_log.json.

Sample Lambda Source Code

Set up the function HelloPython as follows:

import json
import time
import random

lambda_id = '%016x' % random.getrandbits(64)

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    start_time = time.time()
    invocation_id = '%016x' % random.getrandbits(64)

    if "Sleep" in event:
        sleep_duration = float(event["Sleep"])
        sleep_duration = None

    if "ExperimentId" in event:
        experiment_id = event["ExperimentId"]
        experiment_id = None

    if sleep_duration:
    end_time = time.time()
    return {
        "LambdaId" : lambda_id,
        "InvocationId" : invocation_id,
        "ExperimentId" : experiment_id,
        "StartTime" : start_time,
        "EndTime" : end_time,
        "SleepDuration" : sleep_duration,



Language:Java 100.0%