jsphuebner / stm32-sine

Main firmware of the Huebner inverter project

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In dual throttle mode, in reverse, regen appears to have wrong direction

catphish opened this issue · comments

I am running a SDU with version 898eb09
I am using dual throttle mode.
I enable off-throttle-regen and use reverse direction, the drive motor actually accelerates when taking foot off throttle.

My config (with regen currently disabled)

  "boost": 2200,
  "fweak": 220,
  "fweakstrt": 400,
  "fconst": 800,
  "udcnom": 360,
  "fslipmin": 1.4,
  "fslipmax": 3.5,
  "fslipconstmax": 5.5,
  "sincosofs": 2048,
  "fmax": 333,
  "dirchrpm": 100,
  "dirmode": 1,
  "ocurlim": 1200,
  "potmin": 1072,
  "potmax": 4095,
  "pot2min": 538,
  "pot2max": 2137,
  "potmode": 1,
  "throtramp": 20,
  "throtramprpm": 20000,
  "ampmin": 5,
  "slipstart": 40,
  "brakeregen": 0,
  "regenramp": 10,
  "regentravel": 5,
  "offthrotregen": 0,
  "cruiseregen": 0,
  "regenrampstr": 40,
  "brklightout": -50,
  "bmslimhigh": 50,
  "bmslimlow": -1,
  "udcmin": 250,
  "udcmax": 450,
  "idcmax": 600,
  "idcmin": -600,
  "idckp": 2,
  "idcflt": 9,
  "tmphsmax": 85,
  "tmpmmax": 300,
  "throtmax": 100,
  "throtmin": -100,
  "iacmax": 1000,
  "chargemode": 0,
  "chargecur": 0,
  "chargekp": 80,
  "chargeki": 10,
  "chargeflt": 8,
  "chargepwmin": 0,
  "chargepwmax": 90,
  "idlespeed": -100,
  "idlethrotlim": 50,
  "idlemode": 3,
  "holdkp": -0.25,
  "speedkp": 0.25,
  "speedflt": 5,
  "cruisemode": 1,
  "udcsw": 250,
  "udcswbuck": 540,
  "tripmode": 2,
  "bootprec": 0,
  "pwmfunc": 0,
  "pwmgain": 100,
  "pwmofs": 0,
  "canspeed": 1,
  "canperiod": 0,
  "nodeid": 1,
  "fslipspnt": 0,
  "ampnom": 0

Yes, I was just reported that bug 1 week ago by a customer. It has been introduced with the HillHold function and is fixed with the latest commit.

Thank you!