jsongo / django-nginx

Dockerfile for CentOS 7 + Nginx + uwsgi + Django

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uWsgi + Django + Nginx

Dockerfile for building a CentOS + Nginx + uwsgi + Django app.


$ docker build -t="jsongo/django" .
$ docker run -d -P jsongo/django

The docker container exposes port 80. Run docker ps to discover the port that has been automatically mapped to the docker host

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND             CREATED              STATUS              PORTS                   NAMES
9c656f23bd2a        jsongo/django:latest   "supervisord -n"    About a minute ago   Up About a minute>80/tcp   sleepy_franklin

Then navigate to http://localhost:49154 to view the app.

By default, the image starts a new project so that there is at least something to see. Instead, put your own app code in app/ and comment out line 34 in Dockerfile.


Dockerfile for CentOS 7 + Nginx + uwsgi + Django