jsongerber / nvim-px-to-rem

A Neovim plugin written in lua to convert px to rem as you type. It also provide commands and keymaps to convert px to rem and a virtual text to visualize your rem values.

Home Page:https://github.com/jsongerber/nvim-px-to-rem

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Easily work with rem in your css files

A Neovim plugin written in lua to convert px to rem as you type. It also provide commands and keymaps to convert px to rem and a virtual text to visualize your rem values.


⚡️ Features

  • Easily convert px to rem as you type (require nvim-cmp)
  • Convert px to rem on a single value or a whole line
  • Visualize your rem values in a virtual text

📋 Installation

use {
    config = function()
Plug 'jsongerber/nvim-px-to-rem

" Somewhere after plug#end()
lua require('nvim-px-to-rem').setup()
-- add this to your lua/plugins.lua, lua/plugins/init.lua,  or the file you keep your other plugins:
    config = true,
    --If you need to set some options replace the line above with:
    -- config = function()
    --     require('nvim-px-to-rem').setup()
    -- end,

⚙ Configuration

-- Those are the default values and can be ommited
    root_font_size = 16,
    decimal_count = 4,
    show_virtual_text = true,
    add_cmp_source = true,
    disable_keymaps = false,
    filetypes = {
Option Description Default value
root_font_size The font size used to convert px to rem 16
decimal_count The number of decimal to keep when converting px to rem 4
show_virtual_text Show the rem value converted in px in a virtual text true
add_cmp_source Add a nvim-cmp source to convert px to rem as you type (require nvim-cmp) true
disable_keymaps Disable the default keymaps false
filetypes The filetypes to enable the plugin on {"css", "scss", "sass"}

nvim-cmp integration

If you want to be able to convert px to rem as you type you need to install nvim-cmp and add the plugin to your cmp sources:

    -- other config
    sources = cmp.config.sources({
        { name = "nvim_px_to_rem" },
        -- other sources

🧰 Commands

Command Description
:PxToRemCursor Convert px to rem under cursor
:PxToRemLine Convert px to rem on the whole line

📚 Keymaps

Keymap Description
<leader>px Convert px to rem under cursor
<leader>pxl Convert px to rem on the whole line

You can disable the default keymaps by setting disable_keymaps to true and then create your own:

-- Those are the default keymaps, you can change them to whatever you want
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>px", ":PxToRemCursor<CR>", {noremap = true})
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>pxl", ":PxToRemLine<CR>", {noremap = true})

⌨ Contributing

PRs and issues are always welcome. Make sure to provide as much context as possible when opening one.

🎭 Motivations

Inspired by the VS Code plugin px to rem & rpx & vw (cssrem).
There is two vim plugin to convert px to (r)em but those were missing some feature I wanted such as the virtual text and the nvim-cmp integration:


  • Use Treesitter
  • Write tests
  • Write documentation

📜 License

MIT © jsongerber

Shameless plug

See my other plugins:

  • thanks.nvim: A plugin to show your appreciation to the maintainers of the plugin you use.
  • telescope-ssh-config: A plugin to list and connect to ssh hosts with telescope.nvim.


A Neovim plugin written in lua to convert px to rem as you type. It also provide commands and keymaps to convert px to rem and a virtual text to visualize your rem values.


License:MIT License


Language:Lua 100.0%