jshiohaha / mortar-dates-bot

Bot to create weekly dates between the members of the 2020 class of the Black Masque chapter of Mortar Board

Home Page:https://www.unl.edu/mortarboard/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mortar Board Dates Bot

(aka Mortorbot)


Mortorbot automatically creates groupings (usually groups of size 2) between members of the 2020 class of the Black Masque chapter of Mortar Board for weekly mortar dates. Mortar dates are weekly activity between some number of mortar board members to get know each other better. More about us here, or at our social links below!

How it works

Mortorbot at it's core is a pretty barebones* Flask application that only responds to POST requests at it's root URL (e.g. https://myurl.com/).

When a message is posted to the application, Mortorbot must decide whether or not to reply. Since you can't officially @ bots in GroupMe, Mortorbot will only respond to messages that start with its name. Below, you can see the specific commands that will invoke Mortarbot.

*I added an asterisk because I also added some dependency injection, but that's about as complex as it gets.


Mortorbot will respond to 3 commands.

1. @mortorbot new dates
    - Mortorbot will generate new groupings (dates)
    - Right now, Mortorbot only generates new dates
      every week on Mondays. Otherwise, Mortorbot will
      inform you of the next date for new dates.

2. @mortorbot current dates
    - Mortorbot will send a reminder of the current

3. @mortorbot help
    - Mortorbot will send a reminder of all its use

Installation & Running Locally

To run your own version of Mortarbot, you should be able to pull the repo and complete the steps in setup below. Deployment is optional; you could just run locally if that works for you.

After complete all the steps in the Setup section below, you should be able to run Mortorbot locally if you want to. If you did't change the Flask app entrypoint, you should be able to run the following command to spin up the Flask app.

export FLASK_APP=app.py; flask run

If all goes well, you should see something like this.

Note: when running locally, your callback URL will change to when you're running locally. But, that won't be publicly visible. You'll need to use something else (like localtunnel) to expose local endpoint.


Create GroupMe Bot

Assuming you want to hook Mortarbot into GroupMe, you will need to register your bot with GroupMe. Here is GroupMe's tutorial on developing bots.


Mortorbot uses an environment variable to decide how to load config variables. By default, config variables will first be read from environment variables. Of course, if those environment variables do not exist or are not set, the config varialbes will be None.

If the HEROKU_ENV is set to DEV|None, config variables will be read from a dev_constants.py file in the same directory as constants.py. The dev_constants.py must contain the following variables in order for the program to successfully run.



Note: BOT_NAME is the name that the bot will respond to. For example, if BOT_NAME="mycustombot", then the bot will respond to messages of the form @mycustombot [msg].

In local development and testing, I recommend setting ENV=DEV|None.


As a follow-up to the section above, you should create the variables listed above as environment variables regardless of how you decide to deploy. I recommend setting ENV=PROD|TEST. Realistically, it should be set to anything but DEV|None.

I chose Heroku for deployment because it is pretty simple to get started with a basic Python Flask app. Here is a helpful article on how to get started with Python on Heroku.


Bot to create weekly dates between the members of the 2020 class of the Black Masque chapter of Mortar Board



Language:Python 100.0%