jshiohaha / apriori-algorithm-implementation

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The Apriori Algorithm is an algorithm for mining frequent itemsets for generation of association rules. A good overview of the algorithm and how it works can be found here. It uses a "bottom up" approach where frequent sets of k items are used to generate candidate item sets of k+1 items. The groups of candidate item sets are then tested against the data to determine whether or not they meet minimum support.

The basic idea is to use the Apriori Algorithm to generate all frequent itemsets for a given list of transactions. Then, given some value for minimum confidence, association rules can be generated that give associations between items in the frequent item sets.


It should be noted that apriori.py was written in Python 3.5.3. Any pip packages can be installed by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

I recommend installing these packages from inside a virtual environement using a package like virtualenv so that you don't globally install the packages. If you are unfamiliar with virtualenv, here is a link to the installation docs.

Program Commands

To run the program, you can specify the input file with -i , the output file with -o , the minimum support with -s support_number, the confidence with -c confidence_number. If any of the parameters are left out, the program will exit with an error. Please note that the command you run depends on your relative working directory. For example, if you're in the src/ folder, you will want to directly reference runApriori.py. If you're in the root folder of the repository, you will want to use src/runApriori.py. Further, if python3 is not the default version of python, then you must use this command:

python3 runApriori.py -i <input_file> -c .9 -s .5 -o <output_file>

Otherwise, you can simply run this command:

python runApriori.py -i <input_file> -c .9 -s .5 -o <output_file>

To run test the runtime of the Apriori algorithm and the number of rules generated as a function of the minimum_support, we can use the stress test command of the program. The parameters required are lower_bound -l, support_delta -d, minimum_confidence -c, and input_file -i. The lower bound specifies how low the minimum support should decrease before terminating. This is a parameter to give the user flexibility with how low to let support go before terminating. The support delta specifies what the step size is when decrementing the minimum support. A support delta parametKEer of 0.1 will decrement minimum support from 1 to 0.9 to 0.8 until the lower bound specified.

To test the funtionality, you can use the following command:

python3 runApriori.py --stress-test -i <input_file> -c 0.9 -l 0.3 -d 0.1

Please note that as you get to a minimum support value of less than 0.3, the algorithm runtime starts to increase rapidly.


Src folder
- runApriori.py: the callable python file that drives the program
- apriori.py: python file containing all logic relating to the apriori algorithm and association rule generation
- fileUtils.py: python file containing utility methods for parsing the arff file and loading and encoding data

Data Folder
- vote.arff: original voting dataset
  data to integer dictionary used to encode the data
 - weather.nominal.arff: extra nominal dataset downloaded offline for additional testing 
Documents Folder
- Assignment2.pdf: A pdf copy of the assignment
- Shiohira_Sivakumar.pdf: The analysis report for assignment 2



Language:Python 100.0%