jsen- / node-tree-kill

kill trees of processes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tree Kill

Kill all processes in the process tree, including the root process.


Kill all the descendent processes of the process with pid 1, including the process with pid 1 itself:

var kill = require('tree-kill');

Send a signal other than SIGTERM.:

var kill = require('tree-kill');
kill(1, 'SIGKILL');

Run a callback when done killing the processes. Passes an error argument if there was an error.

var kill = require('tree-kill');
kill(1, 'SIGKILL', function(err) {
    // Do things


require('tree-kill')(pid, [signal], [callback]);

Sends signal signal to all children processes of the process with pid pid, including pid. Signal defaults to SIGTERM.

For Linux, this uses ps -o pid --no-headers --ppid PID to find the parent pids of PID.

For Darwin/OSX, this uses pgrep -P PID to find the parent pids of PID.

For Windows, this uses 'taskkill /pid PID /T /F' to kill the process tree. Note that on Windows, sending the different kinds of POSIX signals is not possible.


With npm do:

npm install tree-kill




kill trees of processes


Language:JavaScript 100.0%