jsejcksn / deno-userscript-bundler

Bundle userscripts using Deno

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


⚠️ Notice

A breaking change was introduced in Deno v1.22.0, which affects this repository:

BREAKING: Remove unstable Deno.emit and Deno.formatDiagnostics APIs (#14463)

The removed APIs were relocated to a third-party module, deno.land/x/emit, but were only migrated in part. At the time of writing of this notice, issues exist which prevent refactoring this codebase without disruption. I plan to update this project after those issues have been resolved.

In the iterim, a potential workaround is to use Deno's compile API with Deno v1.21.3 to create a binary as a substitute for installing the script.


  • Write documentation
  • Write tests


deno install --unstable --name uscript-deno main.ts

To avoid being prompted for permissions every time, install with the following permissions:

deno install --unstable --allow-net --allow-read --allow-run --allow-write --name uscript-deno main.ts

(Some permissions aren't strictly necessary, but allow for an enhanced experience — e.g. --allow-run is only used to open files in VS Code and to get the correct Windows path in WSL)


Generate a new directory with a script template (main.ts) and metablock template (metablock.yaml)

uscript-deno new $DIR
# uscript-deno new path/to/new/dir
├ main.ts
└ metablock.yaml

Bundle userscript

uscript-deno bundle $ENTRYPOINT
# uscript-deno bundle path/to/project/main.ts

Run in development mode: Watches entrypoint file for changes and bundles again on each change. Also provides metablock userscript on localhost server for quick installation by a script manager extension (e.g. Tampermonkey) (requires fs access by the script manager)

uscript-deno dev $ENTRYPOINT
# uscript-deno dev path/to/project/main.ts
Development userscript metablock at:

Watching for file changes…
Use ctrl+c to stop.

18:33:11.796 Bundling…
18:33:13.211 Done (1416ms)

Generate TSConfig for use with VS Code Deno extension

# print to stdout
uscript-deno tsconfig

# or write to file
uscript-deno tsconfig -o $TSCONFIG_PATH
# uscript-deno tsconfig -o path/to/new/tsconfig.json


Template file data can be modified before installing and are located at data/templates.ts


Bundle userscripts using Deno

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 53.9%Language:TypeScript 46.1%